
Monday, December 8, 2014

Earring Giveaway

I've been tinkering with earrings and made two pairs of lopsided earrings with one stud and one hook.  The first pair is a guinea pig with veggies (carrots, lettuce and a tomato), the second pair has a bunny with carrots.  I am giving these earrings away to two lucky readers.  The bunny is about 1" tall and the carrots are about 1 1/4" (not including the hook).  Little piggy is 7/8" tall and the veggies are about 1/2".

Since there are two pairs of earrings, you have two chances to win!  To enter:  leave a comment here (be sure you are not a no-reply blogger, or include your email address in the comment) or on the CavyMadness Facebook page.  Indicate if you'd like bunny or piggy or no preference.  I will choose at random one winner from the blog, the other from Facebook.  Commenting in both places increases your chance to win.

Be sure that I can contact you!  CavyMadness cannot send a direct private message to Facebook comments.  Check back after 12pm on December 12th - I will reply to the winner's comments if I cannot email them directly.  If a winner does not respond within 24 hours, I will randomly draw another name.

This drawing closes on Friday, December 12th at 12pm EST.  Congrats to Marianne and Amanda, the two earring winners!

If these caught your eye, you can find a variety of guinea pig stud earrings at the CavyMadness gift shop!  There's more ginger piggies and other solid colors along with himi, dutch and blaze markings.  Order by December 13th and get a free surprise with your shipment.


  1. Nobody has commented?? Ooh ooh pick me, pick me (! :p Those piggie earrings are precious! And now that I've found your shop... :D

    1. I think you're the only one to read the blog post - everyone else is only commenting on Facebook.

    2. They are wicked adorable, thanks so much <3

  2. My gosh both of these are so adorable! I love the asymmetrical pig/bun with veggies pairing. Now I gotta check out the shop ;)

  3. I don't know if my post posted, but I shall say it again: my adorable cavies have taken over my home and raided my fridge crispers... so to identify myself as a Cavy Slave, I must be adorned with Guinea Pig and Vegetable earrings. So... pick me! I shall rumblestrut for a pair durrr durrrr durrr :)

  4. I love the guinea pig set too! If you ever feel like making a set of the guinea pig posts, sign me up to buy the first order!! :-)

    1. I'm selling a bunch of the guinea pig stud earrings on CavyMadness - check out the link at the bottom of the post. Thanks!

  5. These are adorable. Please enter me in the guinea pig drawing!


I enjoy reading your comments and I strive to reply by email (if you're not set to no-reply).