
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Holiday Cookies

Two days after Thanksgiving and twenty-four hours after herding guinea pigs, I spent the afternoon making cookies and toffee.  It's a two intense days of wrangling, editing and baking.  There are years I question my sanity.  The answer hits me a few days later.  I love to see people's faces light up seeing the goody bag or hear their laughter over those goofy cards.

My almond butter crunch has been part of my Christmas tradition for many, many years.  Cookie were a later addition.  A few years ago I started making Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies and Buckeye Cookies.  Both are big hits.  This year I added another cookie to the mix, called White Chocolate Molasses Cookies.  They appear to be the new favorite.  I'm sure Rob would be happy to polish off all the leftovers.  I used Ghirardelli's white melting wafers for the dipping.  Yeah, it's not really white chocolate; but it was quick and easy to use, and had the perfect consistency for dipping cookies.  This recipe is a keeper.  They're easy to make, look wonderful and are delicious!

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