
Friday, May 15, 2015

Split Rails Table Runner - Blogger's Quilt Festival

It's time for the spring Blogger's Quilt Festival!  And for once, I'm entering a brand new completed quilt that hasn't been previously posted.  Woot!

I bought way more fabric than I needed when I made placemats for my sister's family.  I had a few different patterns that I liked before I settled on the Coming Home pattern.  One of my favorite runner-ups was a split rail design.  I thought it would be pretty with these colors.  So when the placemats were done, I made a table runner for myself.

I think the Coming Home pattern was best for the placemats, but I'm really happy with the split rails I made for myself.  (It looks great in the living room.)

I decided to practice Starry Night some more.  It still doesn't look quite right, but I could see that I improved just from one side of the runner to the other.

The quilting shows up better on the back.  (Click on any of the photos to enlarge.)

This time I remembered to add the label before I finished the binding.  I'm really liking the little labels.  I plan to put them on all my small projects.

Blogger's Quilt Festival Stats
Quilt Measurement:  29" x 16"
Technique:  machine pieced and quilted
Category:  Small Quilt Category

Be sure to check out all of the amazing quilts submitted for the Blogger's Quilt Festival!


1 comment:

  1. Love those colors, you'll be stiff competition for that category for me, LOL!! Good luck!!


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