
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Key West Blocks

About a year ago my mother gave me a large bag stuffed with fabric.  The stash included several brightly-colored silk screen prints from Key West Fabrics.  Vintage and nostalgia - I recognized some of these prints from when I was a kid.  Oh!  What could I make for myself with this fabric?  I used some of for a Japanese knot bag.  (I love it - I use it all the time.)  There was still a lot left.

I thought a simple pattern with big pieces would be best to show off the prints.  I planned to cut them all into uniform squares, until I measured the fabric.  Most of it was scrap from making clothes; to get the most out of the yardage, I'd have to make 3.5" squares.  That was too small to show off the large print.  I looked for tile-like patterns and found this one.  Simple blocks, different sized pieces.  It worked great with my odd shaped material. 

I have my 12" blocks cut and have spent the last several days "randomizing" the colors.  I plan to make a table cloth.  I already have a bunch of throws and I wasn't sure I wanted a wall hanging with these colors.  Rob pointed out that putting my precious fabric where food can get slopped on it probably isn't a great idea?  True.  But I want something I can use, see and enjoy (and show off when company is over).  I'm still mulling over that.

In them meantime, I have blocks laid out, sashing to cut, borders to plan and more yardage to calculate.  It's gonna look cool!

1 comment:

  1. I have seen (and plan to purchase) some yardage of clear plastic from the fabric store (or Walmart here.) I have some pretty tablecloths that I want to keep safe from the heathens in my family. Might as well go full-on old lady with a plastic cover :)


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