
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Knitting Pouch

Yeah, I'm a little behind on my Christmas presents.  I finished off and gifted my last one on Sunday.  Whew!

I had asked a friend of mine if she'd like a knitting needle case.  She told me a knitting project bag would be more helpful:  a bag about this big (held up her hands) with a zipper.  Not what I had had envisioned, so I was glad I asked!

I googled around for zippered pouches about "this" big and got some ideas of what I wanted to do.  I also found this tutorial, which was very helpful in putting it all together.

I have started work in my vintage Key West quilt and decided the smaller pieces of fabric would be great for the pouch.  The grey fabric is from Parrot Plumes.  I thought it looked terrific against the hot pink.

I stitched the outside fabric to the batting with a mix of stitch-in-the-ditch and freemotion.  It's silly, because most of the freemotion is on the bottom where it can't be seen.  Oh, well, I got practice.

Added bonus:  the pink rayon thread quilted beautifully.  It had frayed and snapped on the last three projects I tried to quilt.  I don't know why I decided to try again.  It seems the fault wasn't with the thread; recent adjustments to my sewing machine did the trick.  I had given up on using anything other than standard thread, but now I may have to look at the pretty stuff again.

I had stitched it all the side seams and was ready to turn it right side out when I discovered I overlooked the very important instruction in the tutorial:  leave the zipper open before stitching the sides and bottom.  Can't turn it inside out with it closed!  I struggled with it several minutes inching the zipper open through the fabric and batting.  Whew!  I hated the idea of ripping out any of that good stitching.

Sharing with Freemotion by the River's Linky Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Your zippered bag is very pretty, nice fabric combination, I'm sure your friend will love it. I tend to avoid zips myself, but I laughed at you forgetting to leave it open, so easy to do. I'm so glad you managed without taking it apart.


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