
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Cleanup Bowl

This coil bowl is my last cleanup project before I move onto my next quilt.  This used up the last of the blue stretch fabric as well as some thin strips of white that were too sheer to work well in the string blocks I made.

I had trouble with the last few bowls I made where the fabric bunched or fought with me.  Not this one; it went together so smoothly.  Even the sewing machine behaved (other than running out of bobbin thread only two rows from the top).

I love the colors.  It's a nice size, too:  about four inches tall and eight inches across at the widest point.

I like making oval bowls more than round.  I had intended this to have steeper sides - my first bowl had steep sides, but it's a knack that eludes me.  Guess I'll have to practice more!

Speaking of practice - the string blocks resulted in a lot of little triangles.  That, in turn, yielded another 70 1½" HTS.  I think I'm going to end up with more than 360 of those.  Whew!

Spent some time yesterday cutting strips for the new quilt and double checking my yardage before I start assembling.   Can't wait to see this one come together.

1 comment:

  1. I like your bowl, the colours are really pretty. I thought about making one of these for spring but it uses a suprisingly large amount of fabric, mine never got made. Maybe next spring.


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