
Thursday, November 22, 2018

I Like Thursday: Another Thanksgiving

Ah, Thanksgiving - a great day to like things. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed a few days off.  I still have a few more to go before returning to work.  Woot!

Even with the days off, it's been a busy week.  I spent lots of time sewing on my days off.  I finished up the wavy strings blocks.  I had a bunch of short skinny strings that I cobbled together into a pair of mug rugs.  I'm finishing up a coil bowl with the very, very last of the Italian fabric.  Today, I start working on the next wedding quilt.  Yay!

I like that I spent some time this morning talking to my sister.  Gotta call Mom this afternoon.

I like that Rob fixed the thermostat this morning.  The heat had been a little flaky this week then waited for the coldest day so far to fritz out.  But we have heat now.  Love that. 

I like/enjoy/am thankful for the family and friends I have in my life.  I know a lot of good people.  How lucky am I?

I like that Wedgwood has been feeling better this week after a bad couple of days last week.  I'm so very relieved.  She spent the day after she recovered hassling Mabel.  Excellent!  Then two days later we had an entertaining photo shoot.  Winter scenes!  Wrapping paper!  Guinea pigs baking cookies!  I can't wait to see the photos.

Happy Thanksgiving to those of you celebrating it today.  Heck - even if you don't, I hope you have things to be thankful about.  Anything that gives you a bit of ease or enjoyment to your day.  There's more good things over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy.


  1. so glad Wedgie is feeling better, happy day to you and Rob!

  2. I love those mug rugs with the strips and curves! I would like to try something like that myself. The picture of Wedgwood and Mabel is fun - glad Wedgwood is having some good days right now! Happy Thanksgiving, Sally!

  3. Glad Wedgewood is feeling better. Great mug rugs. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Lovely mug rugs. Can't wait to see those photos too. I smiled as I read that.


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