
Thursday, November 8, 2018

I Like Thursday: Marriage, Colors, Chocolate

Another cousin married this weekend.  It poured and blustered before and after the ceremony, but I love that the sun streamed through the stained glass windows of the church for their vows.

I like the table centerpiece I brought home.  It was so pretty and has added some color in the house.

And the fabric all around it?  Colors for their wedding quilt.  I like that they match the flowers and foliage so well!  I need some more greens, maybe a bit more red.  I think I want green borders.  Now I have a better feel for the last bits of color for the quilt.  Off to the shop for borders and backing!  Then I can start piecing.  Goal is to have this done right after Thanksgiving.  We'll see....

This week's Rumi seems apropos.  I suspect this translation is very literal - I found a couple more flowery versions.  But I like the simple version best:

Blessing the Marriage
This marriage be wine with halvah, honey dissolving in milk.
This marriage be the leaves and fruit of a date tree.
This marriage be women laughing together for days on end.
This marriage, a sign for us to study.
This marriage, beauty.
This marriage, a moon in a light-blue sky.
This marriage, this silence fully mixed with spirit.

I like this chocolate babka I discovered a couple of week ago - a dancer at the Fall Ball shared some with me.  So of course I had to buy one when I was at Trader Joe's last weekend.  It's delicious. It's evil.  I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.  Good on it's own or warmed up with ice cream.  I need to forget I ever discovered this....

And if this wasn't decadent enough, I made peanut butter cookies the same weekend.  Heh.  Which me luck at my annual physical this week.  Do I want to step on the scale?  Bad timing!

I like that I have have no plans this weekend.  Maybe I'll take a page out of Wedgwood's book?  Yeah, probably not.  There's quilting to do!

Enjoy more good stuff over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. what is babka? I need some!And Wedgie makes a good argument for loafing around

  2. I thought of an experiment for your slightly-too-small cavy cozy: if you open the closed end, will they enjoy having their hind feet sticking out at one end and their noses sticking out at the other? Like a cavy cannoli?

  3. Pretty colors for the wedding quilt - and how fun to base on the flower colors, too! I'm sure Trader Joe's is evil! There are too many tasty things that I am tempted by there. Enjoy your unplanned weekend!

  4. I love peanut butter cookies. I haven't made any in a while, maybe I should... That centerpiece is so pretty- lovely fall colors without being cliched.

  5. I have not been to Trader Joes in years, but I think I need to go....soon! The flowers are beautiful!

  6. Gorgeous flowers, can't wait to see the quilt. Oh the Babka looks yummy.

  7. So glad (and sometimes sad) that our Trader Joe's is not a convenient trip for me. I'd be in there buying good stuff way too often. Pretty flowers, nice colors for the quilt. Hope you are enjoying your slow weekend.

  8. Love Quinn's comment about cavi cannoli, what fun! Love your likes and so glad the wedding was so special! Cheers!

  9. How lovely to have the sunshine filtering through the church windows to bless the happy couple's vows. Yes you have no time to rest....there is a quilt to be finished! =)

  10. I also don't know what babka is but the description makes it sound heavenly. No Trader Joe's here. Love the Rummi too. I just read your post about Wedgewood; sorry there might be issues. So right to enjoy the little things in the meantime.


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