
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Too Small Cozy and Wedgwood and Mabel

Have you seen Maru and his love of boxes?  (If not, check out the videos.)  He stuffs himself into all sizes of boxes. 

I made this cozy several years ago from scraps of fabric that weren't quite big enough.  Boadicea never had any problem getting into it.  Maybe it has shrunk over the years from use and washing?  No one could quite fit into it this week.

Wedgwood attempted it first.  She managed to get her nose well into it, but that rear end is certainly hanging out. 

This was Mabel's first attempt, if you can call it that.  She just gave up.


The next day she tried again with a slightly better results.  Mabel prefers to bury herself in the cozy with just her nose or a foot sticking out.  Obviously that can't be accomplish here. 

It may be time to retire this cozy in favor of a roomier one.


  1. Hey Sally it's Lisa from The Cutting Edge of ordinary. I know I've been away for a long time. My cancer came back in August of 2017. It metastasized to my spine, skull and ribs. After over a year of treatment I am finally feeling a little like myself again. I wanted to let you know that those quilted pieces you made me over a year ago have been on the table next to me ever since. Sorry to comment here but I didn't know how else to reach you. I'm hoping to get the blog going again soon. I am posting on my Facebook page with some recipes from the past. I hope that you are well and thank you again for those beautiful pieces that you made me. Lisa

  2. she's a great addition to the family. I like that she's got perspective... food and shelter, the rest is just to be dealt with. And because she's so accomodating it's no threat to Wedge... yes you did good getting her. I love that she is like Hermione just appearing! Cole used to do that, and we'd jump!


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