
Thursday, December 6, 2018

I Like Thursday: Quilts and Architecture

I mentioned that I saw the Melrose History Quilt over the weekend.  Beside the artwork there were several quilted/knitted items for sale.  One woman created these beautiful quilted cards.  Each one had been paper pieced; there had to be over one hundred of them.  I limited myself to purchasing three - I wanted more!  Aren't they beautiful?  She had some great Christmas ones, too... but I have my own Christmas cards.

The quilt was at the Beebe Estate.  This is the back of the building.  I like old architecture.  It's so pretty.  Plus it had these massive floor-to-ceiling windows.  I love these types of windows.  Must be terrible to keep warm in the winter but they look terrific!

Isn't the molding in the inside so pretty, too?  I was so taken by the window, it took me a few minutes to move onto the quilts!

I like delivering cookies.  I stressed out a bit on the timing of this year's holiday cookies.  On the other hand, I do enjoy how people light up when I show up with a box or bag of my annual treats.  Makes it so worthwhile.  A little love to a bunch of people I appreciate.

There were several events tied to the historical quilt (click on the photo to enlarge).  One of them was Red, White + Words - a small quilt display at the Melrose Library.  There were some terrific pieces.  I loved the peppermint swirls, especially the one hanging off the border of the quilt.  The quilt with circle and strings was so pretty, too.  I liked the color and the movement.  Not a design I'd ever dream up on my own.  The drunkards path quilt was fun - black and white and red all over.  I especially liked the mini replica of a section of the Melrose History Quilt, complete with the yarn ties.

I am so impressed by people who can quilt pictures like this great little portrait.  The colors and the details.  Neat!  And next to that was my submission:  A Season of Change.  How nice to seem my quilt with these other pretty pieces (although I will be happy when it's back on my wall).

Speaking of quilts - I like that Strip Twist is making headway.  I should have borders attached today, backing pieced by Sunday.  I need it quilted, bound, labeled and photographed by next Sunday!  I know what I'm doing with my days off.  Whew!

That was my fun last weekend.  There's more interesting things going on at I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color.  Go check it out!


  1. Love this post, thanks for sharing all this inspiration! The quilts are great and the architecture is fantastic! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Sally! It looks like you had a fun-filled week. I love old house and their architecture. They don't build houses like that any longer. And then to get to go inside! Sweet! Happy Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Your Season of Change is beautiful. I cannot imagine making 100 quilted cards! What an interesting post this was. Thank you. mary

  4. The quilted cards are great - what a lot of work went into them! I enjoyed seeing the others you shared, too. I also like the drunkard's path quilt. Congratulations on having your quilt hanging there, too! That one is a favorite of mine! Lucky people who receive your holiday goodies!

  5. So fun to see all the cool quilts! I love your tree and I love the one that looks like lollipops on wavy sticks- of course I go for ones with rainbowy color schemes! Thanks for sharing the inside pictures from the historical estate- those moldings around the window and ceiling are so elegant!

  6. liked the quilt show! Wish I could have gone!

  7. Wow neat building. Great quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful pieces of work! And the Beebe Estate is lovely ...

  9. That is a great portrait. All the quilts were good. Liked yours a lot - that rich background blue sets off your seasonal quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Your quilt looks awesome on that wall to be admired by so many people. But I'm with you...I don't know how people make those cloth portraits. I also love old houses and finding bits of neat architecture to admire. Great post!

  11. What a beautiful home. I also love looking at the older houses, so interesting.


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