
Thursday, January 17, 2019

I Like Thursday: Buried

I had been hoping that 2019 would calm down a bit from the end of the year stress.  Not really.  We've added some new fun features!  But I have carved a little bit of time to share the good things I have experienced (even if it's a bit later than usual).

Work has been brutal, being asked to work weekends and evenings and it needs. to. stop.  However, the coworkers I deal with day-in and day-out are the best.  One guy I jokingly call my work-husband - we've been working together since '91.  He keeps me sane on the worst of days.  The rest of the team - I strive to do my best for them because they help me out whenever I need it, too.  I hope we all catch a break soon (we deserve it).

We spent a chunk of the weekend at the hospital.  Everyone is fine (and I certainly like that).  I also liked the staff we dealt with: doctors, nurses, orderlies.  They all treated us with professionalism and kindness.  It made a stressful and unexpected experience a lot more pleasant.  

Now for some fun stuff!  Don't you love finding unexpected treasure?  This week it was in the form of Christmas cookies.  I had been positive I had polished them off.  But  behold!  One last box of the good stuff.  Yum!

Speaking of buried treasure, I dug up an old recipe for Sour Cream Coffee Cake.  I used to make this all the time, but haven't made this in at least five years.  Part of the instructions are next to the ingredients:  Cream.  Blend.  For topping.  The rest of the instructions are Layer mixture/topping/mixture/topping in a 13x9" pan or bundt pan.  Bake 40 minutes at 350.  What the instructions don't containe are all the the little tweaks my aunt taught me that I never bothered to write down because I made this all the time.  Well... it's still as delicious as I remembered and I recalled some of the tricks and pitfalls, but I forgot the layering needs to be a little different in the bundt pan.  I knew something didn't feel right when I put it in the oven.

Obviously I need to make this again, soon, while I still remember what to do (or at least scribble notes on the recipe).

Mabel and Wedgwood had so much fun exploring the floor during cage cleaning this week!  The Drapes of Doom are still on the floor and some had enticing cords right there to taste test!  Wedg also took the opportunity to hide behind some of them and nibble the aloe vera plant before she got caught.  Whee!  I spent half my time tracking them down to make sure there wasn't too much mischief.

May your week have been less exciting than mine.  As always, there's more to like over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Hi again Sally! I hope the work stress ends quickly! How nice is it to have a work family you enjoy and can rely on. That helps SO very much since you spend more time with them than your own - almost. Oooh, I hope you do make that Sour Cream Coffee Cake recipe again, figure out all the tips and tricks and then share it with us. I remember a similar recipe from my mom but lately cannot find her recipe card box. It sure looks delicious! And I'm glad the cavies didn't get into to much mischief. We don't want any more biting of Mabel! Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Glad everyone is okay. Hope your work calms down for you soon. Hooray for finding buried Christmas cookie treasure! Hope you have a great Thursday and a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

  3. a work husband... how nice! And the sour cream cake sounds yummy. Wedgie looks so small next to Mabel. She might have benefited from eating the aloe... I hope y'all are okay...

  4. Your work-family is an important group in life - glad yours is a good one, and hope the stress level goes down for you. What a treat to find hidden Christmas goodies! I always enjoy your Mabel and Wedgwood moments - they are so cute!

  5. That was a lucky find! My freezer is more likely to reveal squash puree :)
    I used to think I didn't have to write down details of recipes that I make so often I "never look at the recipe." HA. I'm going to have to search my own blog for that apple cake I made over and over again, and hope I posted instructions there!

  6. glad everyone is ok - we spent a bit of time over the last couple days at the hospital too - no fun!! but I did get some crochet going.

  7. Oh I am sorry work is going that way. I had a couple of years that work was that way. Love seeing the GP they are so cute, wandering and playing. Finding yumminess hidden! Score. Great likes this week.


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