
Sunday, January 13, 2019

There Was Badness

Ah, Wedgwood.  Isn't she cute?  Look at that wonderful innocent face.  In fact, is that a smile?  Just don't look too close at that extra tuft of black (black?) fur hanging from her left whiskers.

What could that be?  It couldn't be a chunk of Mabel's fur.  That would be bad.  That would mean Wedgwood had just been caught hair-pulling.

She looks a bit more guilty in that second photo.  But Mama - Mabel was in the way.  I had to bite her.  Well, that may be true, but you didn't have to pull out the fur as well.  (The remaining mouthful of black hair had dropped to the floor by this time.)  Behavior like that gets you unwanted attention from The Mama.


  1. Do guinea pigs go in timeout? We have to separate everyone around here because of inappropriate behavior. Except for my chickens. But there has been one acting up too.

  2. Oh Wedgwood - your face just gives you away! Naughty girl!

  3. Naughty, but adorable!

  4. Argh! let me know if you have an "attention" system that can apply to goats! Two of my does have been vying for Top Goat and their increasing thuggishness - basically trying to beat up and terrify every other goat in the paddock - is getting on my last nerve. I'm tempted to put one of them in the other half-a-herd, to test her mettle on the Very Bigger goats, but that would mean separating the doe from her kids - which would be fine in a practical sense, but would be a problem for tiny Iris, the smallest goat of all, who is very attached to her mama. If Iris had a sister it would work out, but she has a brother, Rocket, who is becoming such a bully himself that he is doing his best to actually buy a ticket out of here before he gets big enough that I can't control him. Arghhhh!

  5. Naughty Wedgwood, and I thought they were friends.

  6. Oh dear. What does 'unwanted attention from Mama' look like?

  7. Ah oh. Wedgwood you look absolutely guilty in the second picture, and surely that is a wee smile in the first one. Poor Mabel! How do you think she felt, getting bitten and then having her fur pulled?!! We need to use our words to settle disputes, not our teeth. Gotta love guinea pigs. Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne


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