
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

I Have Fabric!

Look at all the pretty colors!  My sister and I finally got our chance to go fabric shopping.  I was so nervous when I brought the bag of material home.  So many chances to screw up.  Eek!  But then I washed and ironed the new fabric and felt a little calmer.

I should have posted this photo upside-down.  From right to left:  The dark blue is the border.  The lighter blue next to that will be binding and some of the background squares.  Next up, the blues, beiges, golds, browns will be background squares and some of the NYB blocks.  The column of golds/yellows are going to be most of the points in the NYB blocks.  The blacks, blues, browns (most from my stash) will be NYB contrast.  Then that last little row is some more background (from my stash).  My sister envisions it as golden gears or suns/stars on a bluey background.

Picking these fabrics took us about an hour more than I thought it would.  This should have been a snap with her color knowledge from painting watercolors.  But we both dithered over different colors.  We took over a whole table with bolts and bolts of cloth.  Working with fabric colors is a little different than painting! 

How/where to start?  Oh, can I pull this off?  Work has been interfering with my evenings, so I may not get started until the weekend.  I'm as excited as I am anxious!

Sharing with Freemotion by the River's Linky Tuesday.


  1. it's going to be fun to see how you place these in the arcs.

  2. This is going to be a lovely quilt. The fabrics chosen all play lovely together. I am surprised you only took an hour to choose all the fabrics. One seems to always dither when the subject of fabric selection is the task of the day.

  3. So that's your "paintbox" and you are getting ready to create a new work? Looking forward to seeing it come to life :)

  4. These are so pretty, you have a few of my favourite colours there too. I can already envision a beautiful quilt.



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