
Thursday, February 14, 2019

I Like Thursday: Lovely Things

Happy Valentine's Day.  May you get to spend some time with someone you love.  Of course, some of your loved ones may not be humans.  Like some of mine.

I love Mabel and her moochie nose.  It's so hard to get a photo of her just chilling out, because as soon as I get near with the camera, she starts looking for treats.

Wedgwood, on the other hand, is much easier to capture all comfy and relaxed.

We all love a clean cage, which is what they got yesterday morning.

This next photo is lovely.  All that empty space, because the pile of drapes that has been sitting there for months has finally gone away.  Happy day.

I love that I'm gearing up for my next big sewing project.  I have a pile of cut and folded freezer paper ready to go!  I'm looking forward to Saturday, to spend some time with my sister shopping for fabric.

I recently finished Still Life by Louise Penny.  It's kind of a Quebecois version of Richard Jury (if you're familiar with those novels), complete with the small town folk.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to start another murder mystery series, but I enjoyed the book and it was a quick read.  I'll have to try out the others. 

Betcha there's more lovely posts over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you....and all those you love in your life. =) Happy fabric shopping.

  2. Happy Valentines Day to you and the babies! They are so adorable! That quilt looks DAUNTING, can't wait to see it finished! Happy Valentines Day Hugs!

  3. oooo snuggly pigs... love. Congrats of drapes leaving the building! good luck on the NYBeauty

  4. Happy Valentine's Day! Aww, Mabel and Wedgwood look so cute all snuggled up and comfy. And YAY to the drapes being gone and staying out of your life. I can't wait to see you get started on that quilt for your sister - a lot of love and work going into that piece. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Cute lil fuzzy faces! Thanks for the book suggestions...headed to the library.

  6. I always love your photos of your pigs! They are adorable! Hooray for finishing up the drapes, too. I am reading the 5th book in the Louise Penny Gamache series, and I have enjoyed the books more each time I read a new one. I think I've gotten attached to the characters! Happy Valentines Day!

  7. Like Diann, I love the photos of your furry friends the best. Adorable. I can't imagine tackling have my admiration for that! Louise Penny is popular here but I've never read one...I keep thinking I should.

  8. Such fun photos of Mabel and Wedgewood! Always nice to have cleared out space. Hope you are having a wonderful Valentine's Day.

  9. Mabel's pictures made me chuckle. Obviously Wedgewood was a supermodel in another life. Can't wait to see your next project after the drapes of doom.


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