
Thursday, March 14, 2019

I Like Thursday: Paper Piecing

I've been busy paper piecing, working on my sister's quilt.  It's soaking up my free time, which is reflected in this week's likes.  For more variety, be sure to check out the other posts on Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday

I find it interesting how a different corner color can change the whole block.  

My pedometer is loving paper piecing.  This is not a sedentary project; there's a lot of back-and-forth to the ironing board.  I racked up well over a quarter mile (really?) working on one block last week and even more last Sunday.

I like the paper piecing technique I learned at Cunuck Quilter's tutorial.  I've also incorporated a version of this strip idea with my blocks.  It's been working pretty well!

I like paper piecing with batiks - no wrong sides to sew together.  I've ripped out six more wrong-side seams with other fabrics (and there will be more before this is done).  Still need to make sure to leave enough seam allowance, though.

Ooh.  One guinea pig photo for variety.  I caught this just in time to add to the post.  The tunnel is big enough for Mabel to hide in, but I guess she preferred to have both ends hanging out.  Silly pig.

Maybe I'll have more diversity for next week's Likes?  Possibly not.  We'll see.


  1. Good Morning! Oh my goodness, look at Mabel. Maybe she was afraid she would be too warm and snuggly if she didn't allow for some air on both ends. That picture makes me smile - I'm glad you included it. You are inspiring me to try another paper piecing project. I just finished my first two blocks for a bee hive group I'm in, and I haven't done PP for ages. It was kind of fun, except I didn't have to pick off the paper per the queen request. I'll have to look around for a fun project to try. Your sister's quilt is going to be gorgeous!! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Very cute Mabel! I too smiled looking at her.
    Meanwhile, wow, those blocks are beautiful and the batiks just seem to suit the suns.

  3. I like paper piecing too...your block is amazing!

  4. I have never set up an ironing station by my machine just so that I will have to get up and get some steps whenever something needs to be pressed. Moving is good! Your blocks are so fun to see - the background definitely changes how they look. And Mabel is a hoot in her tunnel!

  5. Walking to the iron is very good idea because one can sit for too long when one sews. It is always amazing to see a block with different fabrics and how each one brings an entirely different aesthetic. Mabel looks so sweet in her little tunnel. She makes me smile.

  6. I love that picture of Mabel!
    The difference in the block with different background fabric is dramatic, isn't it? I don't know how you ever choose...I'd just be moving bits of fabric around forever :)

  7. oh that pig! I am thrilled to know you log miles doing this. When I do abstracts I'm up and down back and forth! Your image of the different color corners is cool

  8. I love the effect of changing the corner colors. However did you do that within your blog post? And Mabel - what a cutie. Do you suppose that, because her eyes are covered, she assumes her whole body is in the tunnel?

  9. That photo of Mabel is really cute. Looks like she's having a bit of fun there. Pretty fabrics as well!


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