
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Opinionated Quilt

A quilt with five or six fabrics is relatively straightforward :  pick the colors, follow the pattern.  It rolls along.  True scrappy quilts are good too - just jam whatever pieces of fabric you have together.  It's all good.  But these somewhat-scrappy, coordinated quilts are amazingly opinionated.

I was just about finished with the latest set of NYB blocks when it said:  I need more red.

Are you sure?  Very little of the original fabrics that my sister and I selected were red.

Definitely.  More red.  Look at how perfectly these two reds from your stash go with what you have for the quilt.

Okay.  Maybe I could add those.

And that crazy blood orange you weren't sure about?  You should reconsider.  Maybe the rust that you used for backing on your last quilt.

But they're so dark.

Doesn't matter.  Dig them out of your stash.  They'd go great with the golds and the blue.

That yellow you thought was too peach?  That needs to come back, too.  Trust me - that will look good somewhere in this quilt. 

Okay, maybe.  I could use some yellow contrast - I have a lot of medium yellows and gold.

Good.  While you're at it, remember the yellow/tan/brown fall fabric that your sister liked but you dismissed?  You're wrong.  Pull that out again.  Look how wonderful it goes with so many of the colors in this quilt.

But the pattern is so strong. Won't it stand out?

At least consider it instead of just chucking it aside.  Your sister really liked this one.

(Rob would say I poo-pooed it.  I'm still not sold on this one but the quilt says to try it again.)

Lastly, you know that yellow with the purple squiggles and red stars?  It's the right color gold to go with the rest.  It has red and purple!  At least consider auditioning it for a block or two.

I don't like how the stars and squiggles jump out.

Hey, you've loved it in every scrappy quilt you put it in.  Just use it, will ya?

Sheesh.  Badgered by a quilt.  


  1. Good for you, listening to your quilt! I think it is such a useful skill to develop - one I don't have. :) Those reds are definitely beautiful!

  2. It looks as if you and your sister's quilt are having a robust conversation! looks as if you are having a wonderful time playing with your fabric stash. Go with your gut always seems to be right.

  3. Hahaha! I love this post! I was having similar problems lately. Wish my quilt would have spoken to me! Have a great day!


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