
Saturday, March 9, 2019

NYB Gear Shift

Well, my goal of 10 blocks a week is really off.  I'm still making progress.  Isn't this a pretty block?  Halfway through it I started to thinking of the next block's colors.  That got me wondering if I shouldn't cut the background pieces first, to make sure I didn't use too much of those fabrics and not leave enough to cut the large triangle piece.  That led me to consider if I had enough background fabric in the first place.  And I was fully down the rabbit hole...

I stopped piecing and went back to cutting.  Usually I calculate blocks and yardage before I buy fabric.  But this quilt, with paper piecing?  I didn't know where to begin.  I had yardage for the backing, binding and border, but the rest is very much made up as I go along.  I have ideas and I know I have a tendency to underestimate so I tried to compensate where I could.  The backgrounds, though?  I realized I should cut them before I used those designated fabrics anywhere else in the quilt.

I'm still leaning towards the idea of keeping the three different size circles in the quilt, so I cut corner pieces for the smallest circles, knowing I can cut out more to stitch to a larger circle.  Makes for some more waste, which I hate, but gives me more flexibility, which is what I need right now.  I cut about half of the total blocks I'll need.  I had already cut full square background blocks (including a few extra).  I can gauge from the remaining fabric I'm about six to eight blocks short.  Close!  A skimpy half yard will probably be enough.  Not bad.  And now I can use the remnants in the paper piecing and not worry that I've cut too much to use in the corners.  Yay!  I can go back to piecing blocks.  I'm envisioning something with blacks and oranges....


  1. Oh wow, this quilt is going to look fabulous! This is such a pretty the background fabric. Gosh, that is certainly a lot of thinking. I always think it is better to buy too much fabric than too little. Besides leftover bits can always be transformed into some other pretty. =)

  2. That is a gorgeous block, Sally! I wouldn't know where to begin when trying to calculate what might be needed for all that paper piecing. I know you'll come up with something amazing to do with the leftovers though!

  3. these blocks are like chips... can't wait to make another one. I wouldn't even know what you're calling a back ground since they are all different. That's the joy of them, the line continues over the color changes. Like any curvy block, the line is your resting place. You also can consider value and contrast in your decisions. Or just make it and it will work out no matter the planning. I sure like your color choices so far and it was interesting to read about your thought process on this.
    Not being a planning type myself!

  4. Now that is thinking ahead. You'll be glad you did that. The quilt is going to be gorgeous.


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