
Thursday, March 7, 2019

I Like Thursday: Winter Came Late

Winter waited until March to arrive.  First was a few inches of powdery snow and lots of wind.  A day later came another eight inches of heavy snow.  Earlier snowfalls were immediately followed by warmer days, so it melted quickly.  It's been cool enough this should hang around for the week.  

Pretty stuff.  Lots of birds at the feeders.  I love how the cardinals stand out against the white.  The trees were pretty - I enjoyed watching them shed the snow all morning.  (Not so much fun, though, digging out.)

I like that the snow managed to hold off between fun things to do.  Snow didn't start on Saturday morning until after I returned from a dance.  And then it stopped in time to go walking with a friend and run errands on Sunday.  Perfect!

I like that we caught guinea pig goofiness on Saturday.  Including a video.  I like when unexpected opportunities present themselves.

My nephew is learning Mandarin at school.  My sister took him to NYC during school vacation.  I suggested they stop by Chinatown, which they did.  He got a chance to speak Mandarin - surprised the hell out a shopkeeper.  She dragged her husband over and they peppered my nephew with questions and he conversed with them.  How cool is that?!

I had fully given up on my mushroom starter kit.  I followed the instructions, tried resetting it and nothing.  Literally the day after I threw in the towel (but had yet to throw it in the compost), this happened.  I'm amused.  It looks odd, not how I thought oyster mushrooms would look.  I'll give them some time and see what happens.

I have finally, finally! started the NYB quilt.  Huzzah!  Progress is in fits and starts, mostly because I'm learning as I go.

A little of this, a little of that.  There are more to like at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Good Morning Sally! Oh that video!! I would say they are fans of cilantro. How very COOL that your nephew was able to converse in Mandarin!! I am so impressed with him. I hope he is able to keep it up - he could go far with a bilingual background. Wow, your NYB block looks beautiful. I know your sister is going to love this quilt - I hope she understands just how complex it is. Lot of love going into it! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I recently bought mushroom starter plugs after being told I could keep them in the fridge for up to 3 months and "plant" later. When they arrived, there was already mycelia growing inside the package of wooden plugs, so I hope when I can eventually use them, they won't have exhausted themselves trying to grow in a crowded plastic package! I should probably contact the company to check, but not sure what I could do about it anyway - we also got that heavy, wet snow, on top of the ice and snow that have been around for months. Or possibly since the Beginning of Time, I can't remember anymore.

  3. Hi! Fun post- that cardinal looks regal. That is sooo cool your nephew was able to converse at the shop. I love that block for the NYB quilt. That view from your home is so peaceful. Enjoy! mary

  4. Never heard of mushroom starter. Interesting. Your block is a beauty and looks so complicated. I have something in common with your little cuties...I like cilantro too.

  5. whee! Oh you missed winter snows? It got stuck here in CO and will be right over. It's snowed here since Sept and it's old old old. Wintery mix again last night left ice on every surface. I'd be scared to eat that bumpy mushroom. The Mandarin story was just wonderful... what a connection! I think it might be the most difficult language for Americans to learn, but how magical to learn a language right? You know I love those piggies!

  6. I love the mandarin story...they teach Mandarin and Russia in some elementary schools here in our area. I love Wintery snow, from inside a nice warm house.

  7. Freshly fallen snow is really beautiful, and especially with the cardinal as an accent! How fun for your nephew to actually be able to use his Mandarin skills! I enjoyed seeing the beginnings of the NYB quilt. It's going to be beautiful!

  8. Your snow is beautiful! But way more importantly, your guineau pigs are hilarious. That cilantro video made me crack up. I love the way they slide across the floor, reminds me of my dogs scrabbling around, but the last straw was tugging the cilantro out of each others mouths. Thank you so much for sharing their nuttiness!

  9. Your snow pictures are fabulous and that cardinal is gorgeous. Your grandson will never forget is first conversation in Mandarin. What a treat for him! Love the NYB. I made my first one into a table topper. It's one of my favorites. Can't wait to watch your progress. Makes me want to start another.

  10. Your weather is my weather. You must live southern New England. We, also, have feeders for the birds and the squirrels invite themselves. How wonderful that your grandson is learning Mandarin and had the opportunity to converse with native speakers. I have never thought of growing mushrooms. Interesting. The guinea pigs are cute and goofy. Our cats would see them differently. My daughter insisted on a hamster when she was a teen. We had to keep it in a fish tank with a wire cover and a block of very heavy wood on it to keep her cat out. When she took her little pet out of the cage, her very large cat would try to squeeze under the crack at the bottom of the closed door and would sniff around everywhere in her room when let back in. Your NYB is looking to be a beauty. My hubby loves this pattern whenever he sees it in a quilt show. I am yet to even think about attempting it. Thank you for sharing I Like Thursday with me ... :) Pat

  11. Love your quilt block and we love the cardinals too this time of year. Love your guinea pigs, they are so cute! Have a great week!


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