
Thursday, April 11, 2019

I Like Thursday: Birds, Toys, Dancing and Sewing

I glanced at the feeder on Tuesday and thought the goldfinch was looking a little green and grey.  I know their summer colors are still coming in, but this one didn't look right.  Then he sang.  Ha - not a goldfinch, but a pine warbler!  I discovered they're the only warbler that visits feeders.  I've never seen one here before.  He's been back several times every day.

A titmouse visiting last spring had one back feather that stuck straight up off his back.  Very odd.  Tuesday I caught glimpse of titmouse that had a feather shaft sticking out in the same spot.  Same bird, I'm guessing?  I had thought it was the bird equivalent of bed-head, but I guess it's really stuck like that?  (I wanted a photo, but he was too shy.)

I like these trio of little blinky LEDs: white, red and green (which I got mid-blink).  A fellow dancer gave these to me to incorporate into a name tag or possibly my dance clothing.  Not sure how I'll use them, but Rob's been thinking of ideas. 

Speaking of dancing - NEFFA's (New England Folk Festival Association) dance weekend starts tomorrow night.  Woot!

Have you seen magnetic pin bowls?  One of these days I'm going to get one... or make one.  In the meantime, I have this.  I had been keeping a few pins in the pin container cover, which worked okay.  It was sometimes difficult to quickly grab a pin (but it was better than stabbing myself digging in the full container).  So I flipped the lid over, threw a magnet under it and voila!  Pins stay in place and tend to remain in one direction.  I have a tendency to grab two at a time - I can live with that.

I like that I'm about halfway through piecing blocks for my sister's quilt.  There was enough to throw it on the floor and see what it would really look like.  Pretty wild, eh?

I like watching The Magicians - they had a musical episode last week, which is always entertaining.  Most of the characters aren't nice people - but I'm fascinated how they interact with each other and how deep their friendships are. 

I like Iridium by The SIDH, and chuckled at the comments:  Some Oaf: "Ye cannae make people headbang with bagpipes!"    The Sidh: "Aye, hold me whiskey." 

Keeping busy!  And now, off to check out more things to like over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Sally - the quilt for your sister looks fabulous - from the colors to the fabrics - well, everything! Loved your quotes from Iridium - if all else fails, hold my whisky!

  2. That New York Beauty is AMAZING! Kudos to you, it's fantastic! Have a great week!

  3. Good Morning! Your sister's quilt is really coming along and I agree with Michele that it looks AMAZING! Seeing it one portion at a time doesn't give the whole really fantastic layout at all. Sure looks great. And great idea about the pin top - I might just give that idea a try! Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I would probably have thought that was a goldfinch, too! Fun to see a new bird, though - I looked them up and they don't come this far west. Your homemade magnetic pin bowl is brilliant! Have fun dancing this weekend!

  5. The quilt is gorgeous! I have a homemade pin holder...a plastic bowl on top of a magnet, which is stuck to my metal top sewing desk. Love it.

  6. sidh was awesome. I was headbanging! How wonderfully transporting. I could imagine being at a contra with them... it would get wild!

  7. Interesting little bird...good capture. I have a magnetic silver bowl from Hubby’s engineering’s a super one but not pretty. Those blocks are really amazing.

  8. little song birds are so amazing. We don't have many here in Central Florida that I've observed, but I do see a titmouse sometimes. When I hear it, I feel like I'm in the mountains.

  9. I love how your sister´s quilt is coming along, such lovely blocks. clever magnetic pin bowl, perhaps I should make one, I seem to find pins all over the house.


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