
Sunday, April 7, 2019

NYB H Blocks

Another set!  This is the halfway point. Well - I will probably need several extra blocks to finish this.  But as far as I'm concerned, I'm celebrating.

These blocks were a pain.  Points upon points!  Bulky seams.  Lots of matching.  I like how they look, though.

I cut some border fabric and tossed what I had on the floor.  This is roughly what the top half of the quilt will look like.  First of all:  neat!  Secondly, I can certainly see pieces I'd want to move around.  That upper left corner is crying for another circle up there, so that's three or four more blocks I need to do.  Some of the lighter blue jumps more than I thought it would.  A few of the solid blocks just aren't working for me.  It's interesting how different the big picture looks compared to the individual pieces.

Laying this out for real is going to be work!  There's so many combinations.  But I won't have to face that for at least a few more weeks.  There's another 24-30 blocks to go!

Sharing with:
Sew Fresh Quilts - Let's Bee Social
My Quilt Infatuation - Needle and Thread Thursday
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?


  1. 24 to 30 blocks to go and you want to change some of these. Oh my. I do like your ideas for the changes, especially that upper left corner. It does seem to be missing something. This will be a spectacular quilt when it's finished. On those bulky seams, do you press open or to one side? I remember there's a way to get them to lie flat without much fuss. I think there's a snip you can do to ease the bulk. There's a couple of from Martingale press that show how to pop seams and a clippy trick. There's also split seam and twisted seam that can be used to nest the blocks together and a fanning technique that supposed to work as well. On there are some articles about it. I can't wait to see more. Have fun.

  2. Gosh, all these blocks are looking fantastic. I cannot believe all the work that must go into each block and you still have 24-30 blocks to go!! The top left hand corner does need a little something but I am sure as you play with all the combinations, the quilt will speak to you and you will decide on what works. Love that blue fabric border. I am loving seeing the progress you have made each time I visit and am loving reading about your thoughts on the process.

  3. This quilt is going to be wonderful! I'm really loving the blues, golds, and oranges in it. I can see where the H blocks would be very tricky, but those double spikes make them so interesting!

  4. Very nice. I like NYB, and yours looks like a master work.

  5. WOW! i had no idea what it would look like "put together" and it is already looking fantastic!


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