
Thursday, May 23, 2019

I Like Thursday: Chocolate and Pretty Things

I have attended the Newburyport Chocolate Tour with my mother the last couple of years.  This year it was a beautiful day - perfect for wandering around Newburyport.

First stop was the Garrison Inn.  It was a tough choice which chocolate to take from their wonderful selection.  But I was more impressed with the marble floor.

Like a quilt!  And look at all those little pieces!  The entire lobby floor was covered with these tiles.

They showed off their brand new tea room (it was still corded off).  There were shelves and shelves of teacups.  Oh, I loved those, too!  I even found one (top right) from Nova Scotia - I have the very same teacup from my grandmother.  There were a few others that looked very similar to mine but not quite a match. 

Just look at these glass bumble bees at Sisters We Three.  They were big - like the size of my fist.   Aren't they cute?

These flour sack cotton towels were in the same shop.  The floral prints were pretty and the colors just popped. 

This mermaid was in another shop down the street.  It was difficult to photograph through the glass - just too many reflections.  It was beautiful; all embroidered with beaded embellishments and strips of tulle as seaweed around the edges.  Wonderful work.  I loved all the little stitching in her hair.

Me and mom, taking a quick break (enjoying our iced mocha).

I liked the architecture of the downtown buildings.  Look at all the ironwork at the top of this one.

I found this necklace in Greetings by Design.  I had admired the bracelets, which my mother tried on.  Working at home limits how often I bother with jewelry.  I don't like to wear bracelets to a dance.  But the necklace... that I could wear dancing.  I'm thinking about sending my mother back to pick this up for me.

We also stopped by the Newburyport Art Association.  Lots of interesting paintings inside; I especially liked some of the outdoor sculptures.  The second one is hard to see, but it's made of old bicycle gears and chains.

Walked by this old guy on the way back to the car.  He was fully chilling outside a cafe patio.  After that walking around town, I was ready to chill out, too.

Whew!  What a day.  If you're ready to continue, there's more pretty baubles and cute animals at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. That necklace is pretty. Hope Mom brought it back for you.and that marble floor. Wow how cool

  2. Loving that amazing beaded Mermaid embroidery--that is amazing--nice tour of Newburyport...glad you and your Mom had fun hugs, Julierose

  3. Hi Sally! You post has reminded me that this weekend is Chocolate Fest. The Nestle plant is in Burlington, WI and the throw a HUGE party that starts tonight and runs through Monday. The weather is usually very poor - and will be again this year. But it still is fun and has all thing chocolate - some that you can't even imagine. That tiled floor - so cool and it totally could be a quilt. And the teacups - I could kick myself for not keeping the few my mom had. Too late now but you'll have to share a photo of your collection. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Pretty necklace, on and all the different art! Love the bicycle chain sculpture, but then the tea cups. What isn't to love in this post!

  5. Such a wonderful post of a great outing with Mom! So much to see and enjoy. You are right, that marble floor looks like a quilt. I think the necklace is special.

  6. What a fun day, with lots of interesting sights! I loved that tile floor - so intricate. And anytime there is outdoor art/sculpture, I'm fascinated!

  7. all of it is lovely. Get the necklace! Great pic of you and Mom. That tile floor was so cool.

  8. Looks like you had a wonderful outing with your Mother. If this was a chocolate tour, where are the pictures of the chocolate? LOL! Hope you get that necklace - it is a stunner. It's funny, I don't mind wearing rings when I am out and about, but as soon as I get home, I have to get them off!

  9. Thank you for sharing such a cool trip. That floor tile is stunning. I need those tea towels. That mermaid is just beautiful and looks like a lot of handwork.

  10. Sally, I love the tea cups! I have a few that my husband's grandmother used to own.I love all the different patterns. Were you in Newburyport, MA?? I live in Methuen. I like going to Newburyport and browsing through all the shops. Fun!!

  11. I love this sort of relaxed, artsy adventure! Those days are the best. ♡


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