
Saturday, May 18, 2019

NYB Modified C&A Blocks

These blocks have the stripy arc from the F block that make me think of dental molding.  These have a modified C block center (dental on the rim) with a modified A block outside edge (dental and solid triangles).  The block in the lower left is an original A block, for comparison.  I really liked that dental look on the F blocks and wanted more of that in the quilt.  Forty-five pieces!  This is the most complex block of the lot.  

It's funny how the blocks fight with me.  I had wanted to do the second block with the dark and light blue for the stripy bits.  But I could not get a gold/yellow combination that worked for the triangles.  I really wanted those colors, though.  When I finally made the triangles blue, everything else fell in place.  It's a pretty block.  Hard to say which of the three is my favorite.

Next up is a a modified E block.  Haven't quite decided what I'm changing.  We'll see how it goes!  Then I was going to make a modified J block, but I think I may just make some more I block.

Sharing with Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?


  1. Those are great, Sally! I can see why you wanted more of them in the quilt!

  2. You get a whoop whoop from me, Sally! Every time I visit your blog to see the progress of your sister's quilt, I just shake my head and wonder how in the world have you done that??


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