
Thursday, May 30, 2019

I Like Thursday: Plants, Green and Goofiness

One last I Like post for May.  How can June be around the corner?

My rosemary survived the winter.  It's happy to be on the deck.  My dad gave me a pot of Russian red kale, which has been growing like crazy.  I also planted some sage seeds I got last year.  I wasn't sure if they'd germinate, but they did!

I like the feeling after swimming:  a complete reset of my attitude, more than I can get from a walk.  Makes me think of Temple Grandin's hug box.  I come out of the pool feeling both like I've accomplished something and totally relaxed.  I wonder if it works kind of the same way?

I enjoy lighthearted interactions with strangers.  As I was getting out of the pool an older gentleman was coming in.  He teased me that he was chasing me away, but I responded that I'd had the pool all to myself (it was wonderful!) and now it was his turn to have it all to himself.  Nothing important or special about that exchange.  But we parted with a smile and a chuckle.  A little bit of a boost to my day.  

My Christmas/Easter cactus is confused.  One lone bloom at the end of May?  Have no idea what brought that on - but it's pretty!

I am amused by Marty.  This goofy robot showed up in Stop & Shop several months ago.  It wanders the isles, chirping, then announces if assistance is needed for a cleanup.

I like the wonderful green that is all over the place this time of year.  I saw these little purple (yes, they are a very light purple) flowers during a hike, with so much green all around them.  So cheerful!

There's more to enjoy over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Just lovely plants coming to life --funny robot...thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  2. Happy Garden week to you! Love your plants and that robot is a hoot! :) Have a great week!

  3. Hi Sally! The color combination of green and purple is so prevalent in nature, and I think it looks fab in quilts as well. Sandra shared a beauty today on her website, and your flowers from the hike reminded me of that. Goofy cactus! I am trying to force mine to bloom so I've had it in a darker spot. I'm going to move it back into the light this weekend - we'll see if the experiment worked or not. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I love this time of year but in Ga. the temps are already to high

  5. My friends Christmas cactus started blooming again too...weird, but beautiful!

  6. I love the green everywhere this time of year, too! After winter drags on for so long, it's just lovely to have everything growing again! That robot is a hoot - I bet he startled a lot of people at first. Glad swimming gives you so much - we all need something like that in our lives!

  7. I love bluets - they grow in great profusion here. So little and cheerful :)

  8. Pretty flowers, envious of your plants, some of mine have returned, some have probably been squeezed out by the thistle. I agree about interactions there was an older gentleman at the store we kept almost running into each other coming around the ends of the aisles. I asked him would he rather I just follow him since it would be safer. He just chuckled.

  9. Such a lighthearted post - this will boost anyone's spirits! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  10. Lots of likes. Your plants are perky and green. Mine tend to turn that robot would scare the be jeebies out of me. Enjoy your day

  11. awe I liked your story of the pool. I learned a lot in the Temple Grandin movie and like your comparison. Swimming is a tough exercise. Yea for the reblooms and the new growth after this long winter.

  12. You definitely have a green thumb! I wish I did. I tend to kill most plants. That robot is so funny! He's at our local Stop & Shop too!!


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