
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Chick Yoga Weekend XVII

This year's trip to Kripalu was just what I needed.  It took a full day of beautiful weather, good food and fun friends to let the mind calm and the anxiety to let go.  But it happened.  I feel so much better.

Four of us met for lunch on Friday, excited to have a few days off.  We arrived at Kripalu early, but they had our room ready - a six-bunk room just for us, overlooking the lawn from the quiet third floor.  Added bonus:  it had a sink.  Yeah, the stupid little stuff that floats our boat.

The weather turned out better than predicted, so I spent a good chunk of the weekend outdoors.  Saw a scarlet tanager!  Was able to identify a few more birds by song.  Ran into several friendly, happy people on the trails.  There's such beautiful views out there.

I attended some workshops.  One was on intuition and coincidences that was less woo-woo than I thought it would be.  Was a good presentation with enough facts to stop and consider the power of intuition.  Enjoyed a meditation with Tibetan bowls.  It was really more like a short concert.  Have you ever listened to them?  It was truly lovely.  The presenter spoke at the end of the session about the history of the bowls (some of his were between 200-400 years old).  Seriously cool stuff. 

One of the best, unexpected event was fireworks on Saturday night.  They appeared to be coming from nearby Tanglewood.  The east wing blocked viewing from our dorm room.  But I knew the meditation room on the fourth floor faced that direction and had two walls of windows.  I bolted down the hall, my roommates close behind.  We weren't the first (nor the last) to arrive up there.  It was a terrific show, including smiley-face and heart-shaped fireworks.  We all hopped up and down and exclaimed like little kids.  What fun to be able to share joy and laughter with a few strangers over serendipitous fireworks.

There were so many little happy occurrences over the weekend.  I enjoyed every moment (and I think the rest of the gals did, too).  So happy we could make it.  Then it was Monday; time to head home and face reality.  We'll be back next year!

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