
Thursday, June 6, 2019

I Like Thursday: Outdoors, Indoors, New Doors?

Last week I enjoyed a class on mushroom hunting.  Learned a bunch of things about local mushrooms and how to identify edible mushrooms.  I'm curious, but not ready to make the jump to become a mushroom hunter myself.  However, while hiking over the weekend, I was delighted to find evidence of someone hunting mushrooms near Kripalu.  These look like Dryad's Saddle mushrooms, and had a series of cuts in them.  I found large red mushrooms further along that look like they had been harvested as well.

I got a kick that someone propped up a bit of bark with the blue trail marker on this tree that had been split apart.  I could see I was going the right way!

I loved these itty bitty purple, yellow and white flowers.  They were no more than a half-inch wide.  So pretty!

Fireworks!  A surprise on Saturday night with the added bonus of a good vantage point surrounded by a few friends and strangers as we all oohed and ahhed. 

Ever heard of Tibetan bowls?  I attended a wonderful meditation/concert with these over the weekend.  This video is the closest I can find to what I listened to (many videos had extra instruments - not just the bowls), although the bowls I listened to were played slower and quieter.  Really beautiful.

So that's outdoors and indoors.  The new doors?  I'm off to a home inspection today.  We're buying a house!  Nervous.  Excited.  Overwhelmed.  Over a year of looking and we seem to have found a house (or rather I should say it found us - dropped into our laps).  Certainly something that should go on I Like Thursday.  Wish us luck!

That's it for me.  But there's others!  Check out I Like Thursday over at Not Afraid of Color. 


  1. WOW new home--how exciting for you...hugs, Julierose

  2. Hi Sally! I have never looked or hunted for mushrooms, but I'll bet it is handy to know and cool that someone is harvesting them ahead of you on a hike. Those pretty little purples flowers are a welcome burst of color in all that green. And I wish you all the best with the house. That is so exciting and definitely worthy of being shared here! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I have an interest in mushrooms and so many different kinds grow around here. But I don't know enough about them to pick any.
    Wow, a new is an adventure so good luck!

  4. A new home is always a great adventure! The tiny little flowers are so delicate.

  5. So exciting to find a home of your home - hope all goes smoothly! Mushroom hunting sounds fascinating. I would be curious about it, too, but maybe a bit reluctant to trust my identification knowledge!

  6. Oh how patient you are to find the perfect home for you. Lovely little flowers. Have a fabulous weekend.

  7. Good luck with the house - I hope it is everything you want it to be! My hubby has turned into something of a mushroom hunter - on our latest hike he was pointing them out and telling me their names. Almost as hooked as I am on wildflowers. Unfortunately, we couldn't harvest any since we were in Glacier National Park. Have a great weekend!

  8. Good Friday Morning, Sally, I hope you have found the home of your dreams. Mushroom hunting is an adventure for sure. The only thing I was taught about mushrooms in the woods by my otherwise very woodsy mother was don't eat them; some are poisonous. Sometimes it is hard to overcome that early training mindset. The Tibetan bowls are ringing in the background as I type ... they do resonate ... thanks for sharing ... :-) Pat

  9. Wow- best wishes on acquiring a new home!

  10. Hope the home-buying goes smoothly! I still remember the stress of buying my little place and that was a long time ago. My fingers will be crossed for you :)


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