
Monday, May 6, 2019

Mabel's Adoption Day

Today is Mabel's Gotcha Day.  In less than a year I've gone from one pig to two pigs then back to one pig.  Wowza.

Mabel has been a fun addition.  She turned out to be a great companion for Wedgwood.  She was very good at letting Wedgwood pick on her and Wedgwood enjoyed that.  Mabel, meanwhile was happy with cozies to snuggle in and plenty of food to eat.  She made herself at home in record time, even faster than Boadicea.  This is one mellow pig.

She tired easily when we first brought her home, but perked up quite a bit in a week or two.  She still sleeps heavily much of the day.  Mabel is certainly an old lady with old lady attitude:  dinner should be served on time, hand-delivered (don't you dare make her beg), preferably when she's already awake.  She prefers if you're not overly familiar with her (should you be picking me up?), and treat her with the respect a genteel pig deserves.  Hard to do when she's just so wuzzable.  I think she knows she's landed a cushy life and is going to squeeze the most out of it. 

Happy Gotcha Day, Mabel.  I hope you continue to enjoy your time with us.


  1. I love those cozies you make for your pigs! Mabel really does make the most of them. Happy Gotcha Day, Mabel!

  2. It sounds as if your Mabel has life all worked out. Love her photos!

  3. Oh, the foot hanging out of the cozy! Precious.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day Mabel! You have a wonderful life now! Cheers!

  5. happy days Mabel. You are the queen for sure, so keep your handmaiden in line.
    Very sweet post Sally.

  6. Hi again, Sally. Oh no, I missed the back-to-one-ginea-pig post. I can honestly say I'm glad I missed it because it makes me tear up just thinking about it. {{Hugs}} a bunch for you, and I'm so glad you are able to spoil sweet Mabel. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. She sure made herself very comfortable right from the start. Love the photo with her foot showing.


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