
Thursday, May 9, 2019

I Like Thursday: Trees, a Chuck, and Mabel

Spring is really leafing out.  How delightful.  I love this trio of trees.  They look the same all summer, but in the spring, they're different colors.  How pretty!

I like that whenever I visit home, my mother gives me newspaper clippings of stories that might interest me.  She handed me this article (found it online, too).  Think the Drapes of Doom that I work with are big?  According to this article these are 10 feet wide and up to 370 feet long.  Now those are some serious drapes!  I can't even imagine how heavy they'd be!

I was amused to have startled this woodchuck in our back yard.  I had chirped at him, hoping to get him to look up at the camera and instead he bolted.  I was amazed I got any photos at all.  You should have seen him run!  I had no idea they could move that fast.

I like that I finished another set of NYB blocks.  My next set contains a section I designed myself. 

Mabel has been doing well.  When she's not sleeping the day away, she makes multiple trips down to the floor to ask for treats.  I nearly tripped over her the other day when she appeared out of nowhere.  Last night she'd buried herself in the upstairs cozy and pulled the hay across the opening.  She was invisible... until I grabbed the camera.  As soon as I got near the cage, she started inquiring about treats (which she got!).

Thanks for dropping in.  There's more wildlife, flowers and cute critters over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy!


  1. We used to have a family of woodchucks that lived on the edge of our yard where it joined up with the woods. I loved watching them. Glad to hear Mabel is doing well, under the circumstances … and the tone of your post would suggest you are coping, too. Hope that's the case!

  2. Just lovely trees leafing out...Our little Woody woodchuck sits on a flat rock off of our
    deck surveying his(her?) kingdom in the late afternoons..they are so funny....
    hugs, Julierose

  3. Good Morning Sally! Oh my goodness, my mom always gave me articles, recipes and coupons that she cut out and saved for me. That made me smile! And those Drapes (of Doom) article was too funny. Good thing you didn’t have to work on those – another fabulous like. And Mabel – invisible huh?! Invisible except when she would like a treat. I see I missed an update – I’m going back to read the last post. {{Hugs}} and Happy Mother’s Day to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. So glad Mabel is doing well, she's so cute peering out of her little nest. And that woodchuck! Wow! Amazing that you caught a picture! He looks like he's floating. I've never seen a woodchuck before so it's cool to see your pic!

  5. of course she got treats! She's so cute! Great shot of the trees. So that's what a woodchuck looks like when he's not chucking wood.

  6. Interesting about those trees. That woodchuck can move lol

  7. Oh, those trees are beautiful! I love seeing trees when they're first leafing out. After reading that article about the drapes, I was wondering what their sewing machines look like! Glad Mabel is doing well - she sounds like such a character!

  8. Mabel is so cute! I don't think I've ever seen a woodchuck run! I had no idea they could run. They look very sluggish. I'm so glad the trees are all blooming. I'm hoping for nice weather!

  9. I wonder are woodchucks the same as groundhogs. Daughter has one in her yard that continually eats what she tries to grow. She is now building a greenhouse to combat that. Glorious leafing on those trees. Nature amazes all the time, as well as sweet little Mabel!

  10. I am contemplating the same thing are wood chucks and ground hogs one in the same. I have a rather large ground hog in my field. Beautiful trees. I was smiling today because the red buds are blooming!

  11. Oh your photos are lovely! Mabel is looking a little content--she has you well trained for treats the way Scout has me trained....and they say they are "dumb" creatures!! Have a great day!

  12. Maybe when you chirped you were saying (in woodchuck) "Run for your life!!" :)

  13. Interesting photos Sally, beautiful trees, lovely Mabel and wow, can´t that woodchuck run,


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