
Thursday, August 22, 2019

I Like Thursday: Flora and Fauna

I will be happy when life slows down a bit.  It's good to accomplish so much, but my need to have it all done is getting on Rob's nerves (and my own, too!).  I have something going on every day next week.  Whew!

I'm enjoying what I'm getting done, though. 

We walked down the hill (instead of up it) one evening.  The moon was up (that white speck in the sky), a storm was starting to rumble in.  We made it home just before it poured.  The view of the surrounding hills is so pretty.  We have too many trees in the yard to see this from the house.  That's okay - I don't mind the walk and I like our trees.

Also on our walks - we see a ton of efts.  They are all over the road.  I had never seen one until two years ago.  Now I see them every day!

Mabel has her ups and downs.  The foot infection is really tenacious.  But we've been bandage-free for about a week, which has been wonderful.  I've been trying to encourage her to explore the house - this time with a trail of lettuce across the room back to her cage.  She needed some help in the end.

We made pickles from those huge cucumbers last week.  They need to sit for another day or three before we can taste-test them.  I hope they're good!  The neighbor had another huge box of cucumbers this week.  There were smaller ones I brought home for salad and to share with Mabel.

Our yard has a bunch of irises.  I'm sure they're beautiful in the spring.  We currently have this flowering bush and lilies in the yard.  Their scent drifts into the house in the evening; it's quite strong!

We checked out the Montague Bookmill.  It was an enjoyable evening.

I love that I'm almost done piecing together my sister's quilt.  I suspect that by the time this posts, I will have a complete flimsy.  Oh, joy!

Speaking of quilts - I've submitted two quilts to a local fair.  I drop them off on Sunday.  They're good work, but not spectacular.  Oh, I'd be thrilled to win a ribbon but I'm not holding my breath.

That's it for this week!  In case you're looking for more good things, head over to Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Those Lilies would make your home smell beautiful! Ooh...Irises, how lovely. Fingers crossed re those two quilts. Now....if you perchance were to enter your sister's quilt into a show you would walk away with a blue ribbon!

  2. Oh I love irises too! Your bush is pretty, wonder what it is? It takes all our kids and furry kids a while to adjust to new digs. I know Mabel will be right soon! Have a great day and good luck with your quilts in the county fair!

  3. Lovely flowers...I think your view is beautiful--it's nice to be able to see so far in the distance...we are pretty well surrounded by trees here....but when we walk down to the beach we can then see far and relaxing thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  4. Hi Sally! I'm happy to see an update on sweet Mabel. I'm glad you explained the lettuce trail for her - I couldn't imagine what that was! HAHA! Lovely view and lovely flowering bush and lilies. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Hope your pickles turn out, nothing beats homemade pickles. Such pretty flowers! I've never seen a eft, actually didn't even know what it was & had to look it up. Interesting. Hope Mabel continues to recover from her foot infection & you have a great Thursday!

  6. Great things to note in this post. I've never seen an eft but use the word in crosswords sometimes. Interesting looking! Love your walks in your area and your garden. I bet the pickles will be great. Ahh Mabel, so sweet.

  7. What a pretty view, Sally! Looks like a wonderful spot for walks! A cool creature to see, too - that's a new one to me. I'm glad to hear Mabel is better and enjoying the cucumbers!

  8. Mabel might be bolder with a pal...lots of changes for a little pig... The color on that eft... never heard of them! is awesome and makes me want to paint it. Glad you're getting used to the new digs. Pickles... you can do it all!

  9. Pretty flowers and beautiful views! It sounds like Mabel is getting better, a little bit at a time. The pickles look delish! I've never seen an eft and I don't think I've even heard of one! I hope your schedule slows down soon!

  10. I have never heard of an eft - they look cool. Do they glow at night? LOL! I love home-made pickles - those look like they are going to be delicious! I look forward to hearing about how your quilts do at the fair! Good luck!


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