
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

So Close

Today I had been hoping to post a finished flimsy.  It was not to be.  I'm partially blaming the great dancing in the area (I spent three evenings out in the last week that I could have been sewing).  But that's not entirely true.

The empty room is a good sign.  The border pieces had been sewn together; I was in the process of stitching each row together.  And that's when I lost my stride.  I had already found one block that hadn't been sewn together - I had to stop, cut the background piece to size, stitch it, iron it, cut it, and then continue working.  I went back to make sure all the other blocks  were done.  Each one I moved all moved as a single piece...

including this one.  Its edges were so clean, I thought it was stitched.  I had already stitched two rows together before I discovered it.  I had almost put away the pattern pieces and was glad I hadn't.  What a stinker.

All blocks had an extra quarter inch around the edges so I could square them down to 12½ inches.  This worked really well.  The first block or two I trimmed were slightly off, but I marked my ruler and quickly learned what to look for to square a block.  It helped when I did multiples of the same pattern together.

Then there was a real panic:  I had pinned together a row - all looked good - until I sat at the sewing machine.  All my points were way more than a quarter inch from the edge.  How did I manage to cut the blocks so badly!?!?!  Now what was I going to do?  I unpinned and threw the first block on the cutting mat and discovered I hadn't trimmed it down to size.  Disaster averted.  I somehow managed to place a dozen uncut blocks on the floor and never noticed.

My last issue was a pair of blocks I had put in the wrong order.  Had to rip them apart, which caused more delays in stringing together the two rows they were in.  What should have been an hour or two project has stretched. 

That said - as of this posting I have two rows sewn to each other.  Another two are pinned ready to go.  I have to cut the rest of the border to size, but those will be next.  I'll have a top!  I have batting and backing (that needs to be washed).  I will be sandwiching soon.  Eek!  I need to start thinking about quilting designs!   (How exciting!)


  1. You are so, so very close to having a flimsy. If you are thinking about quilting designs then the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. I am excited too!

  2. sounds like you were in a hurry to it's all gonna be gorgeous when done!

  3. Slow and steady wins the race … Thank goodness disaster was averted! I can tell it is going to be stunning when it is finished. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  4. Kudos to you for keep going despite adversity! I often just put things aside for a while until I get my mojo back. I know this quilt is going to be stunning and can't wait to see the top!!!

  5. Oh, how well I know the feeling of starting something and then finding out how much there is to do BEFORE the actual start! Good for you, carrying on!


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