
Monday, September 9, 2019

Cape Chick Weekend 2019

We were discussing how long we've been doing Cape Chick Weekend.  Turns out this is number thirteen.  Amazing.

One set of castle builders, the crazy wind, home with ribbons
Hurricane Dorian's leftovers were enough to cancel much of Saturday's Windmill Weekend events.  The website said that stuff would start at noon.  So my sister and I headed to Encounter Beach to participate in the Sand Art contest.  The parking lot was nearly empty, there was no bandstand.  There were as many car leaving as arriving.  But when we got close to the beach, we could see a family digging in the sand.  I stepped out of the car and said "Is it canceled?"  The organizers had left one intrepid guy to tell us - it's canceled.  We stayed long enough to photograph my sister in the crazy wind and get a little sandblasted.  The guy knocked on my car window just as we were about to go home.  He handed us a pair of red participatory ribbons.  He said: you showed up, you earned these.

Since we had known other Windmill Weekend stuff was canceled on Saturday, we did our annual spice-and-pastry run earlier that morning.  I always go home with way more than my shopping list suggested.  But it's all good stuff!

And these gals are good stuff, too.  We get along so well together, which is great since they come together from different parts of my life.  We enjoyed numerous walks on the beach, good food and good games.  Watched a sunset or two.  Lots of talking.  A few of us had saved up questions just to ask the rest of the group.  It was nice to catch up.

The weather cleared and we headed to Nauset Light in the afternoon.  Quite a crowd of people there to watch the waves.  see those tiny people on the beach?  Way smaller than the waves.  The tide was going out but one unexpected wave caused everyone to scramble up the beach, soaking a number of people (a couple of us don't care).

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day.  Those of us left headed to the windmill green to check out the craft fair and enjoy the tail end of the parade.  More beach, more kayaking, more good food.  Before we knew it, the weekend had passed.

Four of us remain this morning; by the time this posts we'll all be wending our ways home.  My sister and I hope to squeeze in another bit of kayaking; the others will no doubt look for one last walk on the beach.  Then goodbye for another year. 

How lucky I am to be able to surround myself with friends like these, with beauty of the Cape.  It was so nice to unwind and enjoy and share with such a great group of gals.


  1. This reads like a novel... lucky you to have built such nice connections with friends and family! I love Cape Cod. LeeAnna

  2. You are COLLECTING ribbons now :)
    Did you use the fold-up kayaks? I did a lot of reading about those after the first time you wrote about your sister's but ultimately decided I might not be able to do the assembling very easily with arthritic hands. Now that I think about it, I probably ought to look into renting a kayak once each year, and stop thinking that someday I will buy one!
    Glad your annual get-together was such a treat (again) :)

  3. Oh what a wonderful get together weekend...good for you gals...we honeymooned on Cape cod and I love that place...thank you for sharing hugs, Julierose

  4. It sounds as if you enjoyed a fabulous with your friends and sister, despite the sometimes iffy weather. You can hang that ribbon next to your quilty ones. =)


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