
Thursday, October 17, 2019

I Like Thursday: Bits of Fall

The fall colors continue to captivate.

Rob sent me out on Sunday morning to snap these.  The pines keep things green.  The burning bush is just about burnt out.  Still lots of golds. 

I like how the sunlight travels down these trees in the morning.

Morning visitors include a bunch of bunnies.

This guy was solo when I snapped the picture, but usually he nibbles the grass out back with a friend.

We found this cute family on Monday morning's walk.  I love that the baby is wearing the very hungry caterpillar.

Last, but not least - I have started quilting!  I forgot to take any photos in daylight, so the quilting doesn't show.  The thread is behaving nicely.  There's a lot of quilt to get under the sewing machine.  It's taking me a bit to recall how to handle it.  I need to work on transportation - figuring on how to get from one section to the next.

That's it for this week.  I know - I'm stuck on the fall colors (at least they're pretty!).  Other than that, I'm not getting anywhere fast lately - just so little time.  Hopefully there's more variety at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.   


  1. Thank you for sharing the lovely fall colors. We don't get that here where I live, so it's appreciated.

  2. Your fall colors are beautiful! Share anytime! Glad your quilting is moving forward.

  3. Hi Sally! I agree, the color is just awesome. I marvel at it on my drive home each day but traffic is too heavy for me to take a photo at 70 miles an hour. It is only available for enjoyment for such a short time, that I really love to appreciate it while I can. Bare trees and snow are around in no time at all. Can't wait to see the quilting and your sister's quilt. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Gorgeous fall pictures and love the sun on the trees. Great likes and can't wait to see your quilt.

  5. I can never see too many photos of Fall trees. The hues are glorious! Good luck with the quilting....sounds like a gargantuan task!

  6. cute family! Congrats on getting to the quilting, may the force be with you

  7. My little burning bush is also burning. I planted it two years ago so he is still a little guy. But I'm enjoying the brilliant colours here on the property...a much milder October with lots of sun has lengthened the turning period. Yay to quilting. I'll look forward to seeing it.

  8. I appreciate you sharing your fall colors since our autumn foliage is just falling off the trees before it turns (we had a mild drought in late summer). Have fun with your sewing!!! Cheers!

  9. Fall is a good time to take a pause and slow down a bit - before the holidays! Lovely colors in your neck of the woods.


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