
Thursday, October 10, 2019

I Like Thursday: Golds and Yellows

I like that I am quilting.  Only practice stuff right now - I'm getting used to new thread (first time I've used Sulky that's not snapping!) and attempting some ruler work (I'd rather have a hopping foot, but this one seems to be working alright).  I think I can do what I want to do, which is great news.

My sister and I got together on Monday for dinner (what a treat!).  We traded stories how our latest projects are going, and how difficult it can be to figure out what the quilt/painting wants.  My quilt wants lines.  Her painting wants different colors.  Keeps us on our toes!

Mabel got a bit of corn cob last night.  First time she's had one - wasn't sure what to do with it.  I tried to get a photo of her enjoying it but as I came close to the cage, the nose came out, hoping I had more treats.

I love the shifting colors.  The view from the bottom of the driveway is so pretty with golds and oranges down the street.  Walking in the mornings have been fun, wading through the leaves.  Swish.  Crunch.

The view of the colors is even better from the corner.  The best part of running errands is having the excuse to drive by that view.

I made it to the Concord Challenging Dance - how wonderful to see and dance with people I haven't seen since early May.  Back to back dancing left me lounging on the couch for a good portion of Sunday.  Wiped me out, but totally worth it.

I did pull together, though, to bake up some treats, including Candy Corn Bark.  It's frightening how much we've eaten.  Yum.

A dancing/quilting friend of mine called out of the blue on Sunday.  It was lovely to hear her voice and I enjoyed to catch up with her.

Have hardly had time to read - but you don't need much time to enjoy these Book Lover's Sunday Sweets.

Thanks for dropping in!  I'm sure there will be more beautiful fall colors over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Lovely trees changing colors view...ours have just about begun--but with this big wind storm here, we may lose a lot before they turn...hugs, Julierose

  2. wonderful picture of Mabel, and her corn cob. Your fall is very colorful... I think this move was a good one for your family. Being tired from dancing is a great thing! It's snowing here right now, and I hope the trees keep their pretty leaves... Happy Thursday my friend.LeeAnna

  3. Hi Sally! Aww, I'm sure Mabel was wondering what else you had for her! She did end up enjoying the corn cob, then. How beautiful the color display you are able to enjoy! And that BARK sounds very addictive. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Oh, lovely views where you live - I bet you are really enjoying your walks! I bet it was fun to watch Mabel investigate that corncob! Glad you're making some progress on the quilting. Love those cakes - aren't they amazing?!

  5. Your quilting lines are very straight! Success on the ruler work! And I know you wanted Mabel eating or playing with the corn cob, but she does have the cutest nose, so no problem having a pic of that instead!

  6. Oh that quilting piece looks amazing. Your trees look a little ahead of ours which are yellowing now. But all so pretty. You have quite the lovely spot there.

  7. Love the trees. Mabel is just so darn cute. I bet she would rock the unicorn hat!

  8. Oh my, those autumnal trees are such glorious colours. What a beautiful place you now live in. Your quilting is looking fabulous.

  9. You've got some amazing autumn color there!! Your project is looking good. So nice for you to have a sister who is creative too! Waving at Mabel...did you see the halloween outfit Jocelyn suggested for her? It's on her I like post. :D Have a great week!

  10. Your autumn colors are beautiful! So nice that you got to share inspirations with your sister!

  11. I spent some time on here reading some of your blog posts I'd missed. Imagine it is Columbus day weekend already. This year has flown. Anyway, while I was reading your other post there was a note about a squirrel sunning himself on your deck & you were glad he wasn't bothering your bird feeders. Well just prior to reading your blog, I had been reading a post about 19 home items that can improve & save us money on various items. If you use WD-40, you might want to try this trick. The article said to keep squirrels away from bird feeders - spray around your bird feeder and enjoy watching those pesky squirrels slip and slide right off (warning: the result is hilarious). With our current dog, a huge Great Pyrenees (Maureen has met him) who hates birds, we can't do the feeders as he knocks them over. Thanks for writing this blog, it makes my day to read them.

  12. It's so nice you and your sister can bounce ideas off of each other. I love using rulers for quilting. There is a learning curve but I'm getting better. Mabel gets some great food! The falls colors are so pretty in your area!

  13. Lovely to see a shot of Mabel - she looks good! I am jealous of your fall colors - most of our aspens back home had already lost all their leaves before we left on our trip. Enjoy the rest of your week!


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