
Thursday, October 3, 2019

I Like Thursday: Pignic, PFD, Pastries

I headed east on Sunday for several stops.  First up - the Boston Pignic.  Got my fix of loafy, wuzzy guinea pigs.  So many colors.  Such cuties.

I even put on the Pig Patrol shirt briefly and clipped some nails, squeezed some bulgy guinea pigs and doled out a bit of advice.  But mostly I caught up with the Pig Patrol and took photos. 

Lots of noses
Mabel was left at home (too many stops and too long a drive for her to tag along).  She's doing well but is much bonier than most of the pigs I handled.  It felt good to hold a beefy pig.

Next stop was to pick up pastries:  tiramisu, a chocolate caramel tart, a slice of cheesecake.  A treat for Rob:  I stood him up at a contra dance - the  penalty is pastry.  (I had a delightful partner, so although I feel guilty, it was worth the pastry.)  He was generous and shared.  Yum!

Then off to the Museum of Science to meet with a friend.  We sat in the cafe overlooking the Charles River.  What a view!

Another stop.  Bought myself a life vest to go with the kayak.  Spent more time than I thought trying and re-trying on vests.  This was the most comfortable of all of them.  Love the color.  I think of life vests as those old orange ones that slipped around your neck and a strap around the middle.  This seems so high-tech in comparison.

Mason and Kiki watch for us every day, with long looks when we walk by empty-handed.  We laugh at how much Kiki looks like Mabel:  you have treats, right?  Because we're starving!

This week we had carrot tops and even Mason came right over to munch.

I like this magnet I got from a friend.  It's true.  I am very lucky - I am buried in warmth and comfort.

Still working on my sister's quilt, but not much to show.  I'm awaiting a new sewing machine foot to try some stuff.  Still doodling.  I'm not so concerned about how to quilt the middle - it's the borders that are throwing me. 

I did the adulting thing yesterday - saw a lawyer about writing a will.  Ugh.  But he was terrific, answered questions and gave lots information.  I'm in good shape, he says, and ahead of the game by showing up now rather than in another 10-15 years.  So go me!

A good week!  There's more to like over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Thanks for dropping in.


  1. Love how you have these Pignics to attend, they sound like such fun. Gosh you fit a lot in your day, it sounds like a really good one. Oh yes I remember those orange life belt jackets. Yours looks much more stylish and absolutely perfect colour!

  2. Awe how fun a pignic. When the daughter had GP they got to play outside that was their favorite part of the day. Like your life jacket. Pastry penalty, huh? LOL Adulting yep I made my will a couple of years ago to protect myself and my kids.

  3. Hi Sally! All of those guinea pigs!! How cute are they?! Good thing Mabel didn't know what you were doing . . . she might have been a bit miffed. I just LOVE Mason and Kiki, waiting for you during your walks. They know a good thing when they see it and those treats are definitely a good thing. So is your vest - much better than the orange bulky thing. I love that you got to try them on and pick the most comfortable one for you. That is missing in all of the online shopping - which one would you have picked if you couldn't try them on?! Probably a different one based on cost, color, feedback from other users. I'm afraid all the brick and mortar stores will be gone sooner than later as our online shopping will drive them out of business. Quilt stores as well, and I'm guilty of that myself. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Love the pignic post - what fun! I bet you are a good source of information for the rest of the people who come. Sounds like it was a fun and full day altogether!

  5. Those pigs are adorable! So fun that you got to hang out with so many. I hope Mabel is ok! And I like your purple life vest! I wore one for the first time in a long time on a kayak trip not too long ago and was also surprised but the comfort! Have a good week!

  6. The pignic looks like lots of run! I love pastry! I try not to eat much of it but I do have some once in awhile. Love the color of your purple vest. That view from the Museum of Science is so familiar! I was just there a few months ago. You had a fun week!

  7. Aww, all the little pigs at the pignic...must have been so much fun.
    I wonder what the difference is between the old orange vests and your fancy new one. Very spiffy. Meanwhile, having a will made- a great thing to cross off your list.

  8. Those piggies are so adorable! Of course, not as adorable as Mabel!!! You certainly had a busy week! Have a great day!

  9. Well, if it brings any comfort, I'm married to a lawyer and we haven't done our wills yet. Ha - kinda like the house builder's house is the last to get the projects finished, I guess. You had a fun week; still chuckling over the pignic!

  10. I had no idea there were guinea pig gatherings -- how fun! Those pastries sound delicious :)

  11. awe the annual pignic! Squee! so cute. Your phrase the penalty is pastry is a perfect title to a mystery novel! (clapping hands!)

  12. This is one of your posts that I wait for every year - The Pignic. I go away with a full guinea pig meter. They are adorable. Nice life vest - the one I wear for kayaking is so comfortable I forget I have it on!


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