
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Who Thought Gears Were a Good Idea?

I'm going to start giving the quilting Borg designations:  this one is Two-of-Thirteen.

Who the heck had the idea that quilting cogs around the circles was a good idea?  Oh, yeah.  That would be me.  I thought it was a good idea.

I swear it took me as long to quilt around the edge of this circle than it did to quilt everything inside.  But it does look cool.  I used a ruler to do cogs, so they're fairly even.  I discovered the ruler foot sticks on the slightest bulky seam.  I'm forced to move slowly so the fabric doesn't bunch up.

There's only six circles that will get the cog treatment.  The rest will have sunshine rays.  Whew!

Quilting inside the circle went faster for this one than the last one.  Wonderful!  Two quarters got a leafy/flowery motif.  The other got circles and swirls.

I'm quilting more than I had originally intended, but the quilt is just begging for it.  I don't know how to say no (in fact I may go back and quilt a few of the blank spots of the first one... we'll see).

I have Three-of-Thirteen planned out.  I hope to quilt it tonight (although I may punt the cogs for tomorrow).

Sharing with My Quit Infatuation - Needle & Thread Thursday.


  1. Beautiful quilt! The quilting is going to be so worth the effort. Happy Stitching!

  2. Very pretty! Well worth the extra time to quilt the cogs!

  3. I love your quilting! It looks great on this design. Beautiful quilt too!


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