
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Eight, Nine and Ten of Thirteen

Progress slowed a bit. But I'm still plugging along.  Three more done, three more left.

These circles all have gear edging.  I really struggled with the last one - the quilt kept threatening to pucker and the foot got caught on some of the seams.  The tricky bit was that the cogs went all the way around - but they lined up pretty evenly out to the raw edge.  Yay!

The middle one does not yet have its cogs.  The circle is not along the quilt edge and requires the teeth all the way around.  Gotta do some math or some measuring or something so I don't have one teeny-tiny or massively big tooth where the quilting meets.

I really need to doodle before quilting.  I've spent a lot of time sitting at the sewing machine staring at the quilt when I haven't drawn out some ideas first.  There's several patterns I keep falling back to, yet I still come up with new ideas for others (even though by this point, I've gone through every pieced pattern at least once).

I'm starting to think ahead what I want to do with the border (beyond my initial "let's do something with the ruler foot"). 

So close.... My backlog is piling up - I'm going to have to start Christmas stuff soon!  And I've broken yet another name tag that needs to be replaced.  Pockets that need to be added to skirts, fixes to other outfits, and of course more quilts to be sewn.

I will be so relieved when this is finished!


  1. Imagine though the end is near. Thank you for entertaining us with your blog about this quilt. We can hardly wait to see your next fabric adventure.

  2. you've gone pretty quickly on this. I bet you've learned by doing too. It's gorgeous

  3. Replies
    1. They're based on the set of Ulas's New York Beauty blocks. I resized to 12" blocks and made a few of my own modifications.


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