
Thursday, November 14, 2019

I Like Thursday: Fun Finds, Flowers and Food

Lots of this and that this week.

My Christmas/Thanksgiving/Whatever cactus (half blooms in the spring) is seriously happy in the sunroom.  I don't know when I've seen this many buds on it.  Just wait until it blooms!

It's been a while since I've tried a new recipe at Game Day.  Last week I made Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake, half sized, with a gluten-free crust.  Was a bit lumpy because I didn't let the cream cheese get warm enough.  Fought with the oven temperature and arrived at Game Day not knowing if the cheesecake was under or overcooked. 

Whichever it was, it was delicious.  Very little returned home with me, and that disappeared by Monday.

A few friends and I met on Saturday morning to hike at Oak Hill.  I particularly liked the overlook with a view over the Route 2 and 495 interchange.  I'm told on a clear day you can see the Hancock building in Boston to the east.

The fall colors have mostly dropped away.  Lots of oak rust with the evergreen. 

It was still very pretty with the blue sky.

My mother visited over the weekend.  We extended the usual neighborhood walk to include a two mile loop at the end.  It was quite nice.

We passed this big gnarled tree and I was amused to find a bunch of little woodland critters, including an owl, a few gnomes and... Yoda?  Excellent!

We also passed several bushes with brilliant red berries.  Ooh - and some ice.  Winter really is just around the corner.

I liked this trolley car bus stop. Cute, isn't it?

Those are my likes for the week.  Already starting some fun ones for next week.  In the meantime, head over to Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Awesome likes. I am jealous of your Christmas cactus, mine always look sad and forlorn. Looks like an awesome hike, the tree and its creatures made me smile.

  2. apparently we skipped Fall this year, right from too hot to too cold. I like watching your walking adventures. I could never get a cactus to bloom like that. LeeAnna

  3. Oooh, your cactus is own little Christmas Cactus (leftover from a huge one that wanted to pass onto another, better place, it seems ;((( )still hasn't set bud; plus it's got a lot of "old wood" on it...hoping to get a couple more to give it company!! ;)))
    hugs, Julierose

  4. Yummy cheesecake! Love the views you found on your hike, and the little nook with creatures in it. That is a fun bus stop!

  5. Hi Sally! WOWEE - THAT CACTUS. I can hardly wait to see a picture of it blooming. It makes my little one pale by comparison - it is about one-tenth the size. How beautiful! How nice that your mom got to visit and enjoy a walk together. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Just look at all those sweet critters in the tree. Perhaps Yoda is keeping a friendly on them. =) Lots of lovely place to walk there. Oh, if only all the bus stops were as pleasant as this one.

  7. My Christmas cactus is blooming but is still a little sad. Nothing as full as yours. I can't wait to see it when those buds open. Hiking with friends must be an awesome thing to do. And one of my friends always brought peanut butter cheesecake to pot lucks and everyone loved it. Have a great weekend.

  8. When I had to clear my mom's home after she passed, I could only take heirloom items (long story). One thing I forgot was her Christmas Cactus. It just makes me sad whenever I think of it. On the other hand, I now have a cat who likes to eat everything, so maybe it's for the best. Ha.

  9. Great likes! I LOVE that trolley car stop, thank you for sharing that photo and those from your walks!!! Have a great day~

  10. Your Christmas Cactus is certainly thriving in your new home! Your dessert looks so good! The outdoor landscape looks so dark and wintery. I'm not looking forward to winter at all!

  11. Wow, your cactus is getting ready for a spectacular show!
    Glad we're getting some decent weather for rambles, before the freezing rain starts again.

  12. very nice blog this week. I used to have a Christmas cactus, I think I passed it onto a relative when it no longer thrived in my house. It was too cold. Can't wait to see the flowers.

  13. I never met a cheesecake that wasn't my friend, lumps and all! Love your bus stop … Enjoy your weekend!


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