
Thursday, November 7, 2019

I Like Thursday: Soup, Ringlets, Dresses

Thursday already?  Where has the time been going??

This doesn't look like much (actually, kind of looks like saag), but this Mushroom Spinach Soup is delicious.  It was prettier in the pan, but we were too busy eating it to take a photo until I packed up the leftovers.  The recipe suggests serving with a dollop of yogurt.  Really good!

Had to use up the last of my tote apples along with some cheese and leftover sausage - which adds up to Apple Sausage Pie.  It's a fall favorite.  Rob has converted me in pouring a bit of maple syrup over it.

Yeah, I am looking forward to cooking my favorite fall and winter meals.

I pinned up my hair for a dance the other night and was amused that it left me with a headful of ringlets.  I felt like I was in a period piece with all those curls.

I love HolyClothing dresses.  I have a wishlist of dresses, but they're more expensive than I can justify.  However... I stumbled across a sale and got these two for cheapy-cheapy!  I had bought both figuring I could trade whichever one I liked least.  But I love them both, so I'm keeping them!

Still quilting.  A little more than four circles left (I've gotta repair one and finish the middle of a second one).  My bobbin ran out, and that was it for the evening.  Spent my time writing this blog and burying threads.

I've been keeping Mabel entertained with apple peelings.  She gets so excited when I start hanging them around the cage.

And that's it for me.  There's more good things and fun finds at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Great likes! I enjoyed your post about Mabel and the apple peels too! Your hair looks fantastic and I love your new dresses! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Hi Sally! Those two dresses are cute. Are they for dancing - it would seem so because they have a bit of a flouncy skirt. I'm glad Mabel is doing well and enjoying the apple peals. She looks cute enjoy one! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Mabel and her apple peels are so cute. Your hair is awesome. The dresses look like fun, and now I need to see what apple sausage pie is.

  4. Mabel with the apple peelings looks super cute!!! Can she reach all the way to the top of the peeling or pull it down? Otherwise I fear it might tempt her forever! And I'll have to try that apple sausage pie! I actually have a freezer full of frozen sausage and apples, so it sounds like something I should try!!

  5. That apple sausage pie sounds yummy! I may have to try that one. Fun to get some new dresses, too! Burying threads is never fun, but it means you're making progress!

  6. all good stuff. I tried to get the recipe for soup but you had to sign up... I'll just make some with those main ingredients... looks delish! Love the dresses and mabel.

    1. Stupid website. I updated the link - I found the same recipe elsewhere.

  7. I'm envious of your gorgeous hair! Pretty dresses. I had the mushroom soup at Milestones's a favourite of mine despite the grungy kind of look it has. And I can never seem to get the deep flavour at home. Thanks for the link.
    Mabel and the apple peels, too cute.

  8. Your hair looks so pretty! I have curly hair but use a flatiron to control it. It can get quite messy! I love those 2 dresses. Great idea to keep them both! Your recipes sound great! Looks like Mabel is enjoying the fall!

  9. Gonna try that Mushroom Spinach Soup. It is snowing lightly outside, and it puts me in the mood for a nice soup! Your hairstyle looks great - overall, I am grateful to have naturally curly hair - do your ringlets come naturally? Glad to see Mabel enjoying her food! Have a wonderful week!


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