
Thursday, November 28, 2019

I Like Thursday: Thankfulness

Happy Thanksgiving.  May you enjoy time with loved ones (even if it's just yourself).

Rob's been snapping photos before I get up in the morning.  I enjoy discovering them as I download what's on my camera.

We got our first snow on Sunday.  Hard to see, but it was quite misty that morning, too.

And a sunrise yesterday morning.  How pretty!  (I'm sorry I missed it.)  It was light out by the time we went for our walk.

I like these new hair clips.  I tried them out for Friday's dance and they kept my messy up-do in place the whole night.  Awesome!

I like the crazy sales that Snapfish has this time of year.  As I was looking to start this year's holiday card, I found the calendars were $7.  So I made a calendar of all my guinea pigs from Athena & Victoria to Mabel.  I spent way too much time making it.  But I can't tell you how happy it made me when it arrived less than a week after losing Mabel.  I will enjoy this all year.

I have finished quilting the last circle on my sister's quilt!  I certainly like that.  Background and borders next.

I like that I have a long weekend.  I'm not due back to work until Tuesday.  Time to bake holiday cookies.  Maybe start cards?  And I really need to start my ornament.  Hopefully, quilting.  Maybe finish the background?  Wouldn't that be nice?

Dancing.  There will be dancing.

So much to be thankful for.

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday


  1. Beautiful sunrises! And of course, your quilt is coming along lovely. Enjoy your day!

  2. Wonderful photos and loving the NY Beauty!!! Have a safe and blessed holiday!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Sally! What a great idea to make the calendar of your pigs - I bet you will really enjoy it! Have a lovely day and enjoy the long weekend, too.

  4. I love those clips they help me tame my wild girl hair. Great calendar. Enjoy your long weekend.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Rob, Sally :)

  6. dancing... yes. Love the calendar... the quilting is beautiful and quite an accomplishment. Happy weekend my friend.

  7. It sounds as if you will oodles of happy times doing what you love over the long weekend. Love the sweet calendar! Hope there are some beautiful sunrises for you to enjoy, too.

  8. Oh no, Sally. I am so, so sorry to hear about Mabel. She was a good egg, and I sure enjoyed reading and seeing photos about her. {{Hugs}} Beautiful photos you shared today. That sunrise - ooh, so magnificent. Did you have a storm in the evening? The whole red sky in the morning, sailors take warning thing. I hope you were able to have a very Happy Thanksgiving. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. Yes, we are all so blessed especially those of us who dance!! Which I only do in the privacy of my living room these days. Lovely calendar...memories of wee ones much loved.


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