
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Circles Filled, Onto Background

Last circles quilted!  I'm onto background next.

Everything so far has quilted flat and smooth.  Oddly enough, it was this last one, on an outer corner, that bulged the most. 

No tucks!  But the orange triangles are very puffy, and there's a bulge where the last red triangle and the black band meet.  The basting had all still been in place, so I'm not sure why that happened.  The only reason it's so noticeable to me is that everything else quilted absolutely flat.  Amazing.  All that time I spent sandwiching and basting really paid off.

One last circle needed cogs around the edge.  I pinned where the teeth should come in and out, to make sure the start and end met up evenly.  I checked twice before stitching, but the teeth shifted and I had a hard time getting everything to match up.  But it's done.  Yay!

My sister was over for Thanksgiving and was happy to see the progress.  (She also brought over the floor mat she's working on for me - which looked great!  No photo - sorry.)

I've started quilting the last of the background and laying out the borders. 


  1. I am always blown away when I visit you and see this quilt and the progress of your quilting. As always it is looking fabulous!

  2. The sandwiching and basting is such a crucial part of the process, and I never do it as well as I think I have! Glad your quilting is moving right along like that. I bet any little bulges won't be noticeable after the quilt gets washed and dried - it'll just crinkle right up!

  3. Thanks for the update. I can hardly wait to see it finished.


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