
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Cavia Porcellus Africanus?

A friend and I met up at the Fitchburg Art Museum on Saturday.  One room had all sorts of African art.  I was totally smitten by a black and red piece in the middle of the floor.  The colors, the bead-work, the feathers were all so cool!  But the first thing I thought of was Bertie:

Can you see the resemblance?  I suspect the museum staff person thought I was a little nuts with how I laughed out loud, then excitedly asked if I could photograph it.

I should have taken a look at the tag to find out what it really is, but I am pleased simply by what I see in it. 


  1. OMP-ig
    that made me laugh out loud. Yes, I see the resemblance!

  2. AHAHAHAHA! This *must* have been a pig-inspired piece of work!!! MUST.

  3. I do, I do see the resemblance. What a heart-warming experience for you!

  4. How funny. I too see the resemblance. I've taken lots of photos of piggy lips and made a montage of it once.

  5. Don't you love the Fitchburg Art Museum? The building is so beautifully designed - it's my favorite "small" art museum. Haven't been lately, because of the driving, but I've seen many, many shows there. And I'm proud to say I once had my own show there :)


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