
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Background and Borders

The background and borders have been coming together much faster than the circles.

The sun rays were so much fun to fill in.  Some of the larger ones required me to stand up to see where I was quilting.  I don't think I've ever quilted while standing over the sewing machine.  It was an interesting viewpoint - I'll need to remember to do this when I have a long, large pattern I can't see when sitting down.  It wasn't as difficult I thought it might be (and comfortable, at least in short bursts).

I had bought my ruler foot specifically for quilting the borders on this quilt, so it's exciting to see it come together.  The stars aren't quite as I envisioned, but pretty close.  I finished four of them over the weekend.  It took a couple of tries to get the hang of it.  I'm hoping the rest will come together as easily.  Some stars are easier than others.

I have two squares of background that have a lot of empty space.  I was going to quilt these stars in it, but now I want more clockwork gears.  I need to make up a couple of paper patterns to quilt around.

Then binding!  And I need a name and a label.  How exciting!

Sharing with My Quilt Infatuation - Needle and Thread Thursday

1 comment:

  1. That's just looking great, Sally! Love the picture of you standing over your machine to see where you're going. I never would have thought to try that!


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