
Thursday, December 5, 2019

I Like Thursday: Snow Activities

December already?  How did that happen?

With December came snow... about a foot and a half.  The sun came out on Tuesday - it was beautiful.

Rob and I went snowshoeing at lunchtime.  Quite the workout!

While it snowed on Monday I baked cookies.  It was a perfect day for baking.  Christmas cookies all packed and off to various people.

Speaking of cookies - check these out.  Mine aren't nearly so spiffy (but they taste good).

I met a friend at the Fitchburg Art Museum on Saturday (hmm - my likes are going backwards in time).  One of the installations was a web of likes:  write your name on one card, something that you connects you with people on another.  Hang them both in this corner and link them with a piece of yarn.  Then link your name to someone else's connection that you have in common.  What a mess!  But it was fun reading what draws people together.

Loved this African sculpture, too.  The colors are great - those crazy feathers - but mostly because it reminded me of Bertie.

I've been sewing!  A little bit of background left and the border is nearly half done.  Woot!

To complete my reverse-order likes - Thanksgiving was lovely.  We hung out with my sister, ate turkey, walked, had dessert.  Excellent!

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. I'm with you--don't know how it could be December already! Beautiful snowshoe scenery! That African display looks super interesting. Keep on stitching!

  2. Hi Sally! Oh, that snowshoeing photo is just so lovely. And what an interesting idea for an art piece. I think it would be fun to read all the different likes and how people are connected. What a wonderful way to spend a snowy day - baking cookies. And all packed up and dispersed already?! You rock. And so does your sister's quilt-to-be. I can hardly wait for it to be finished. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Looks like your beautiful quilt is coming along really well...
    I've never been snowshoeing...we don't usually have enough snow here...but my granddaughters up in MA on the NH border sent pix of them snowshoeing yesterday...
    hugs, Julierose

  4. I love that idea of the linking likes-sculpture! It kind of reminds me of our little web here! So many weeks my likes are tied to the things people have shared previously. And your snow is gorgeous. Have a great week!

  5. Snow falling, Christmas coming, baking cookies, perfect! Very neat sculptures too. Is it ok for me to say I miss Mabel.

  6. Beautiful snow there and lots of it! Welcome to winter! I loved that African sculpture, too - do guinea pigs live in Africa? Yummy cookies, too!

  7. I haven't snowshoed in years, but those photos make me want to! That quilt you are working on is really stunning!

  8. The snow is gorgeous, love the link art installation. The cookies are just wow, and the quilt is going to be fabulous.

  9. October was yesterday, in my opinion!

  10. I was so surprised we got all that snow Sunday night. Not a good surprise! You'll be so happy when the quilt is finished. I get a feeling of accomplishment and so will you!

  11. Gosh, your wintry wonderland looks beautiful. How fun to snowshoe through all that beauty. The end of the quilting of your sister's beautiful quilt must be getting close now.

  12. It looks gorgeous where you live with all that snow! I am loving your quilt!!! Have a great day!

  13. I love that shot of you quilting - the quilt will be a stunner. Do you always quilt standing up? The snow is lovely to look at...and yes snowshoeing is hard work, did some as a teen. We missed the brunt of both storms that went through, yay for being the southernmost town in Canada. No snow here.


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