
Friday, December 27, 2019

Blogiversary #9

Wow.  2019.  A rough year of moving, losing two pigs, running multiple trips to doctors and hospitals.


But plenty of good stuff, too:  I've continued with my new years resolution of new recipes at Game Day (I'm sticking with that one).  Danced (and danced some more!).  Bought a kayak.  Own a house!  Finished my sister's quilt (which is the ONLY quilt I have to show this year).  Spent time with friends, family, and meeting the local wildlife.  And blogging.

It's been nine years since Rob convinced me to start sharing my crafts and my guinea pigs through a blog.  I've really enjoyed it.  We'll see what happens with the cavies portion of my blog now that I'm pig-free.  I plan to feature adoptable Dakin guinea pigs for now.

Thank you readers, for tagging along (some of you for years).  Thank you, too, for the comments and suggestions I've received.  I enjoy what I've learned here and on other blogs.  Best wishes to you all in the year ahead.


  1. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, Sally! I sure enjoy following along on your quilting, guinea pigs, and assorted adventures! :)

  2. congrats on #9! I'm on #7. I love getting notices of posts in email, and you know how much I've fallen in love with pigs. Many more! LeeAnna

  3. I was trying to remember the other day when I started reading your blog and what led me to it. Not sure! But glad I found it. I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your snaps :)


I enjoy reading your comments and I strive to reply by email (if you're not set to no-reply).