
Thursday, December 26, 2019

I Like Thursday: Boxing Day

Happy Boxing Day. 

I finished my sister's quilt!  Just in time to bring it to our family's Christmas celebration on Monday.  So I was under pressure to get good photos on Sunday before giving it away.  The photos of it took some creativity and work (thanks, Rob!).  I should be posting more about it in the next few days.  (There's always a flurry of blog posts at the end of the year.)

Needless to say, my sister is thrilled!

Christmas finally guaranteed me a few days off from work.  Huzzah!  I certainly like that.

My Christmas cactus is still blooming.  The latest blooms are darker pink that the first set of blooms.  Odd, but pretty.

Monday was a day of traveling to my parents' house, enjoying food and family.  After a fondue dinner (it's a fun tradition!), the gals went out for a walk.  I found this unusual mailbox down the street.  It's hard to see, but smiling Dad has a baby slung over his back.  Excellent!

We returned from our walk to have tea and four kinds of dessert.  Yum.  And presents - don't forget the presents.

I am so pleased to have finished this year's ornament.  Yay!

I received some wonderful homemade gifts.  My nephew made earrings; they're twisted hoops in shades of blue.  They'll go great with a bunch of dancing outfits.  They also go quite nicely with this shirt.  My sister designed the print and did the silk screening.

These rug mugs arrived on Christmas eve from our hostess of I Like Thursday.  Mabel and Wedg!  This was such a fun surprise.  Thanks Lee Anna.  I will LOVE using these.

We lay low on Christmas itself.  It was so relaxing.  I got a chance to clean up the sewing room and start working on some of my scrappy projects with the quilt leftovers.  Since the Sculpey is still out, I'm making a new name tag to replace my old one that I broke again.  I baked cookies for the cookie swap on Saturday, tried out a new recipe, and wrestled with a batch of caramel.

This last photo may not look like much, but it's one of this week's biggest likes.  There's a few two-way switches in the house; this particular one had both switches up when the lights were off (their partners, around the corner, were down).  Drove me nuts.  Rob worked some magic (I don't do electricity) and voila! lights are off with switches down.  I am so grateful (so is my OCD).

I hope you've had (or are still are having) an enjoyable holiday.  I am sure there's more holiday spirit over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday!



  1. So glad you got good pictures of the finished quilt - what a treasure! And your sister's artwork is lovely. Does creativity run in your family?
    Huzzah on the switch switching! I had to laugh because I also did some electrical tinkering on Christmas Day. After I got home from a relaxed brunch with other cashmere breeders (brunch is great because it doesn't mean rushing either morning or evening chores!) I installed a new timer on the light in the barn, since the old one was only working in a hit-or-miss fashion. A tiny task, but very satisfying!
    Happy Boxing Day, Sally :)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE your quilt! You can adopt me as a sister any day if you promise me a quilt that lovely! It is absolutely fantastic! Love your little ornament and the wonderful homemade gifts you received. Have a wonderful holiday week!

  3. We lay low on Christmas Day, too, and I love that after the busy-ness of the days and weeks before. Your sister's quilt is wonderful, Sally - of course, she loves it! Enjoy your time off from work!

  4. Oh wow, how gorgeous your most amazing quilt looks! I can just see the look of pure happiness on your sister's face. Sweet little ornament. What a fun idea to make little ornaments out of sculpey. Those mug rugs made me smile.

  5. Wow the quilt is stunning. Your ornament is so cute. Great mug rugs, and other gifts. LOL your switch story. My house there are plugs upside down, switches that are backward, dark brown plugs with white plates. Oh my!

  6. Hi Sally! Oh yes, switches just HAVE to be in the down position when the light is OFF. Good grief, that would absolutely drive me nuts. We have a few of those two way lights - I will walk over to the other switch to turn the light off if I had to lift the closer one up for off. I love those earrings!! So pretty and what a talent. And, best of all is your sister's quilt. Gosh, it turned out just fabulously. She has to just adore it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Stunning quilt finish and what creative, amazing gifts. You have a talented family. I also love your ornament. Of course, I sighed when I saw LeeAnna's gift...ahh.

  8. wowza on the NYBeauty! Well done you!
    glad you like the momentos of our latest girls... miss them... LeeAnna

  9. Your quilt came out beautifully! I like that your Christmas Day is laidback and calm. I think that's the best holiday ever! Your family is very talented. It must be genetic!!

  10. A gorgeous quilt. Watching it grow, I knew it would be.


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