
Monday, December 23, 2019

Fairy Lights

A neighbor down the street has a glass jug on a stump at the end of the driveway.  Rob thought it would be a perfect place for fairy lights.  It would look like fireflies in the jug.  He found a set of solar powered ones and we set them up last week.  We haven't gotten a chance to walk by since (it's been a crazy week). 

I hope they've gotten to see them lit up in the evening.  Think they were amused?


  1. A new take on fairy lights.Gosh it looks icy there!

  2. What a nice surprise!
    I rearranged my fairy lights today, and had to wait for dark to get the full effect. Getting closer! One more change to try tomorrow, I think :)

  3. I like it. You'll have a white Christmas,,, us too. Happy week
    Love, LeeAnna

  4. I missed this post. Looks like fun! What did your neighbors think, I wonder? Visited by the fairies ... tee-hee ... :-) Pat


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