
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pig Fix

No... don't get too excited.  These aren't mine.  I needed a pig fix and the Dakin Humane Society in Leverett is less than 10 minutes away.  I heard they had guinea pigs.  On my day off, I decided to visit with some carrot peelings and pea pods in hand.

I first met Cookie and Lucy, a pair of older sows.  Cookie has big paws for an adult.  She immediately stuck out her nose for treats while Lucy hid.  Lucy was so terrified she wouldn't even eat a piece of carrot right under her nose!  But after a while, she decided I wasn't trying to kill her; Lucy liked the pea pods the best.  Cookie eventually let me scritch her nose and chin, although she complained the whole time.  Lucy was brave enough to come out, but would not let me touch her. 

Cookie and Lucy

Across the room were Tony Jr and Prince.  These two were six months old.  OMG, they were cute!  Wedgie little noses and all wired up.  Tony Jr didn't hesitate when I offered some carrot peel.  Snatch!  And when I returned he was ready for more.  Just don't reach in to touch... zoom!  he was gone.  Okay.  Food only. 

Tony Jr and Tony Jr with Prince

Prince came out when I returned to the cage and was a bit calmer.  Like Cookie, he let me pet him and groused about it.  But as long as I kept the carrot peels coming, he was satisfied.  It was Tony Jr's nose I wanted to pet, though.  Just look at it!

Oh, it was delightful to listen to them grumble and purr.  It wasn't a long visit.  Veggies disappeared quickly.  I'll need to set aside scraps and return another day.  Maybe these guys will be adopted and I'll introduce you to some others.


  1. What fun! That sounds like a good way to get in some pig love without taking one home!

  2. Oh the temptation to adopt one or more of them must have been overwhelming. This is why my hubby does not let me go to the Humane Society! Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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