
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Filling In

For today's "cavy" portion of the blog I'm sharing Kai and Po, and Ruby with her daughter S'mores.  These piggies (as of Saturday) were available at the Dakin Shelter in Leverett, MA.

Kai and Po were adorable, with rooster tails and sticky-uppy, bed-head fur.  They came right over for treats, then promptly tried to steal the carrot peels from each other.  There were several tug-of-wars, even as I was offering them more peelings.  What dopes!

I even got to hold them.  Oh, such a struggle to catch them.  I may not try that again.  Young pigs are so fast! 

But Kai was very snuggly once he was caught.  I loved the boars' wuzziness and pointed little noses.  Kai was a complete gentleman, but Po nipped me at some point - he decided he had been handled enough, thank you very much.

The mother/daughter pair were even younger than the boars.  Ruby was only 10 months old and S'mores was 4 months old.  Such youngsters!  They were even harder to catch, and I made sure to hold S'mores tight because I didn't want her to leap.  But they were very good.

S'mores was very talkative.  Stupid camera decided not to record when someone had rattled a plastic bag.  Wheeky!  Wheeky!

But she was all sorts of excited.  What a cutie - I hope they find good homes.

I had come in on a Saturday for a meet and greet of Dakin volunteers.  Wow - I'm so glad I went.  Learned a bunch about the community, the different kinds of people that volunteer: photographer, transportation (animals and food), dog walkers, fosters, general help.  Overall surrenders are getting lower (yay) but small animals are going up (I was asked if I'd be willing to foster rats).  It was interesting to listen to where they think shelter work will head to next.


  1. Too bad you can't take them all home with you!

  2. Kai wants to come home with you and get away from Po who takes his food. He is adorable with that hair, and if he's snuggly... well.... we'd like to hear more stories about him... hint hint

  3. This is why my husband won't let me inside any rescue center right now - we would come home with several new pets. Adorable! My guinea pig had the sticky-uppy bed head fur and I miss him! Enjoy the rest of your week.


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