
Thursday, January 16, 2020

I Like Thursday: Pigging Out

New foods, more quilting stuff, met a few new piggies.  It was a good week.

I had bookmarked this recipe for Crispy Black Pepper Cauliflower Steaks a while ago and forgot about it.  Pulled it up last week.  Good timing - cauliflower was on sale.  My version didn't turn out vegan because of what I had on hand, but it was delicious.  I need to make notes because I will make this again.

Got around to watching Good Omens, which we finished this week.  Oh, that was fun!  There will be a second season?  Excellent!

I've been watching progress on this quilt top for years.  She finally finished it.  So many tiny blocks.  This is so amazing.

My blocks aren't as impressive, but they've been fun!

I decided to keep going with these blocks for a big quilt (or at least bigger than a wall hanging).  I did three more blocks before I ran out of selvedges.  They're off the wall and packed away until I cut more selvedges.  Meanwhile, the wavy strings have taken that spot.

I've also finished the 45 crumb hexies to add to my pile.  I think I'm close to having enough to start sewing them together.

Headed to Dakin on Saturday to visit some very cute pigs.  I enjoyed watching them tug-of-war over carrot peelings. 

I evidently have more willpower than Rob because the guinea pigs stayed at the shelter.  However... look what came home with Rob yesterday morning...

He had stopped at Glazed Doughnuts in Amherst.  Those are some serious donuts.  And unlike the guinea pigs he was willing to share!  Yum!

I'm sharing, too - head over to Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday for other good things people have encountered during their week.


  1. I like those crumb hexies a lot...and those doughnuts look yummy...hugs, Julierose

  2. YUM-EEEE! Those donuts look delicious. And those pigs - you have a LOT of willpower to leave them behind. I just love your selvedge blocks - so cool and the black backing really makes the different colors shine. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I've been watching Chantel work on that quilt, too - it really is amazing! The cauliflower steaks look yummy - I've never made anything like that, but I do love cauliflower. Your crumb hexies look really neat laid out together like that! Glad you got to play with some pigs this week, too!

  4. I'm sure I'd love your cauliflower recipe, because cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables. Unfortunately I've had no luck growing it (may try under bug-covers this year) and only buy it rarely as organic cauliflower is so darned expensive. Now I'm going to be craving it, and will maybe splurge if I see it at the grocery store :)

  5. Wow the quilt is amazing. Reminds me of the 365 challenge which was on fb a couple of years ago. So I see the fritter, cake, a donut coated in oreos, another coated in chocolate chips and is that just a yeast glazed or a buttermilk donut. I work too much. LOL

  6. I have cauliflower and want to try the steak idea. I dropped over to look at those blocks and a quilt made of over 10 000 pieces. Just wow. We still have chocolate from Christmas but I made muffins yesterday...blueberry bran. But your donuts look much tastier.

  7. I've never heard of cauliflower steak but it sounds so good! Love the selvege blocks and crumb hexies. You can use up some small scraps. Doughnuts looks so good!

  8. Love both of your projects! Are you use the hexie template from Missouri Star? I got the template but haven't begun a project yet. Wonderful likes! Have a great week!

  9. We don't eat donuts often, but that it makes all that more of a special treat when we do! And did I mention I like sprinkles?


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