
Monday, January 20, 2020

Curvy Strings

Made some more curvy string blocks.  Not sure how I want to put them together?  Line up the waves?  Separate them with sashes?  Try to combine colors?  Or maybe totally random.  So many choices!

The inspiration for these blocks was a set of paintings.  I have enough fabric for a few more blocks like these and then I think I may do some blocks that are more like the paintings. 

I'm winding down my scrappy projects.  I will be pulling out my Singer Graduate to zig-zag some frankenstein batting, then checking what decorative stitches it has for my upcoming applique project (which has hit some snags due to confusing instructions/pattern). 

Plenty to keep me busy!


  1. These are such unique string blocks, Sally! I love them! I think I asked you this before, but are you piecing them on a foundation? Or are you sewing the curved pieces together and then trimming them square? I am really fascinated by the design they give you.

  2. Loving your curvy string blocks, Sally. I can't wait to see how you put it all together. I just looked at the inspiration for this quilt. Those paintings in the bnb look fabulous.

  3. You are on such a productive roll!
    I may have to sew a button on soon, and am trying to prepare myself mentally :)


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