
Thursday, January 23, 2020

I Like Thursday: Snow and Baking

January is flying by.

Attended a Game Day last weekend.  It had snowed the night before, just enough to make everything pretty but shallow enough to hike easily.

The stone wall was appealing - the green and the grey and the white.  The lichen didn't show up in the photo so much, but it was more brilliant in person.

The barbed wire around this tree caught my eye.  Who would think that rusted old barbed wire would be attractive?  But I liked it.

We visited the stream and waterfall; the water was quite high (not the usual little trickle).

A friend brought roasted squash to Game Day.  Did you know you don't have to peel or seed butternut squash before roasting it?  Cut off the stem, dice it fairly small, then roast it.  I tried it out.  Mine wasn't as nutty as my friend's (mine had bigger seeds and probably should have been cooked longer), but still pretty good.  Better yet, no peeling (and the weird stuff that does to my skin).  I will do this again.

A more successful endeavor:  Blueberry Cookies.  I had a terrible time with the instructions, and I feared these would be a terrific Pinterest fail.  Admittedly, mine look nothing like the photos from the web site.  Doesn't matter - they're delicious.  I used my precious Newbury blueberries, which was perfect. 

Did I mention the cookies were stuffed with cream cheese and blueberry jam?  I didn't have the jam, so I cooked down some of the blueberries to use instead.  Messy to work with - not enough cream cheese to go around.  I may try to make them as bars, or maybe just skip the stuffing.  I was discouraged with the fussiness and the steps involved, but I may try a modified version.  We both really liked them.

And of course, I never bake just one (or two!) things.  I also made mint brownies.  I decided the white frosting was too boring.  I was going for an electric green stripe.  Added too much blue.  But it's still quite colorful!

Speaking of colorful - still working on my curvy strings.  I'm hoping to squeak out two more before I stop.

That's it for me!  There's more color, the beautiful outdoors and possibly more food to see at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy!


  1. How pretty the snow looks. Love the sound of rushing water. Your curvey strings are looking great. Who would've thought that curvy strips of fabric could look so fabulous. Love this idea!

  2. Hi Sally, I love the sound of water running in your video. It sounds like spring to me. Lots of lovely things to satisfy the sweet tooth. No I would have thought peeling was necessary for squash. Interesting. I wonder how many other peelings we could eat. I know apples have more goodness in the peel than in the fruit. Curvy strings are new to me and so pretty.

  3. Your curvey strings a re beautiful..I've never tried those--I sure like how they look hugs, Julierose

  4. What a pretty spot for a hike! I like the looks of that stone wall, too. I love roasted butternut squash, but also didn't know you could roast it with the skin on. I find that outer skin hard to cut through! Your goodies look yummy - both the blueberry cookies and the mint brownies.

  5. The snow, the wall, even the barbed wire around the tree are all awesome. LOL your cooking, I have been thinking about blueberry muffins as of late. Love your curvy strings.

  6. Your cookies and brownies look delicious! The snow looks so pretty. I love your curvy strings. I've never seen that before. Looks like fun!

  7. Your curvy strings are so bright and cheerful! And those blueberry cookies look amazing!

  8. the snow pics are so beautiful. You're the baker my friend... it all looks good to me. I didn't know we didn't have to peel the squash. I love squash but hate peeling things.

  9. You know, I almost tried not peeling the Candy Roaster squash before cutting it up and roasting it last week, but didn't want to end up trying to pull little bits of dried peel off every piece if it turned out to be bitter or something! Next time I'll try it with the skin on for sure! Although the goats really did enjoy the slices of skin, so there's that aspect to consider...

  10. Yum, yum, yum! The mint brownies really caught my eye (and my stomach)!


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